Transformation Processes

The concentration of a contaminant in an environmental compartment or in an organism is governed by the input/uptake and export/release as well as by internal transformation processes. Such processes may be purely abiotic or catalyzed by enzymes. Transformation also alters the pattern of contamination/exposure as new products are formed with different properties and effects than the parent compound.

We develop and improve analytical methods (primarily based on liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry, LC-HRMS) to detect, identify and quantify transformation products, in laboratory samples as well as in the environment. We use these methods to elucidate transformation processes – natural ones that occur in the environment or in organisms as well as those in technical systems. This knowledge helps to understand the behaviour of organic contaminants as well as their biological effects. Systematic studies and quantitative data are required to generate knowledge that can be transferred from those compounds that have already been studied to other ones.

Academic Staff

Prof. Thorsten Reemtsma
Dr. Maolida Nihemaiti
Dr. Matthias Muschket
Alina Seelig, M.Sc.

PhD Students

Kathrin Müller
Paul Genz
Volkwin Kuntz
Till Meier

Undergraduate Students
Milena Voll

Coretta Bauer
Dr. Bettina Seiwert
Petra Keil

Razan Alhelou
Mareva Troussier

2024 (8)

2023 (21)

2022 (16)

2021 (27)

2020 (19)

2019 (14)

2018 (10)

2017 (16)

2016 (18)

2015 (10)

2014 (8)

2013 (5)

2012 (4)