Peggy Wellner

Peggy Wellner
Photo: Sebastian Wiedling

Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

Building: 6.0
Room: 225
Phone: +49 341 6025 1483

Peggy Wellner

Research Focus

Since 2018

2008 - 2017

2001 - 2007

 Aquatic stress ecology

 Molecular transport mechanisms

 Molecular cell toxicology

Methods and Skills

- Mammalian cells, Invertebrates and Primary cells
- Reporter gene assays
- Toxicological cell-based bioassays
- Transgenic techniques
- Protein expression analyses
- RNA and DNA isolation for NGS and metabarcoding
- Metabolome analysis using GC-MS and TOF-MS
- HPLC for pigment analysis
- Periphyton communities
- Green algae, Cyanobacteria and Diatom

Tasks / Activities

In addition to my research-related tasks, I am the contact person for questions relating to occupational safety, the handling of hazardous and biological substances and project planning for new research buildings.

I have been supporting the Works Council and Occupational Health Management Committee since 2014, and in 2022 I was appointed head of the Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee. I have been a member of the UFZ Environmental Committee since 2024.