Chloe Wray

Postion: PhD student
Molecular Toxicology Group
Chloe Wray
Photo: Sebastian Wiedling

Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

Building: 6.1
Room: 802
Phone: +49 341 6025 2866

Chloe Wray

Research Interests

My research interest revolves around how microbial products and environmental chemicals can provoke or disrupt neurodevelopment in our model organism, zebrafish. While we know that the microbiome is necessary for the development of a functional nervous system and that exposure to environmental chemicals can disrupt microbiome composition, the functional relevance of these interactions to the host is unclear. Through my research, I will work to fill the existing knowledge gap via discovery-based identification of microbiome products that influence host neurodevelopment in early-life-stage zebrafish.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 07/2023

PhD student at Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany

09/2019 - 05/2023

B.A. in Health and Human Biology, Honors, Brown University
B.A. Africana Studies, Brown University

Honors Thesis: Determining the potential of PFAS to lower the threshold for chemically induced seizures

04/2021 - 08/2021

Student Research Assistant within the Bioelectrics Team of the Barresi Zebrafish Lab, Smith College, USA

Awards/Grants/other Activities


George W. Hagy Prize in Human Biology, Brown University


Undergraduate Teaching and Research Award, Brown University


Summer Projects for Research, Internships and Teaching Award, Brown University


Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award Recipient

2016 - 2017

Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange