Current Projects of the Doctoral Researcher Representatives

Current key topics of your Doctoral Researcher representatives:

Mental wellbeing is important to us! We are aiming towards finding and limiting potential stressors. Also, our long-term goal is better access to professional help.

If you need help, PACE and ASU, Mrs. Marx can provide discreet access to psychological counselling with the company doctors.

Improvement of the international on-boarding experience.  We are currently working with HIGRADE and the International Office to find ways to improve the integration of new international docs into UFZ and German society.

Organization of social events. We organise social events every month at a beer garden, at the lake etc. Dates and locations are sent via email to all docs and posted in the Docs WhatsApp group. Not receiving the invites? Send us an email!

Participation in working groups and committees

  • WTR (Scientific and Technical Board): 2 guest seats, the board advises the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and the Board of Partners of the UFZ "in matters of fundamental scientific or technical relevance".
  • WTR AG Doktoranden (WTR working group Doctoral Researchers): Currently developing guidelines for the supervision of doctoral researchers at the UFZ.
  • HIGRADE Board: "Think tank" to develop the conceptual frameworks and to continuously improve the quality the structured graduate programme HIGRADE.
  • Helmholtz-Juniors: Representing UFZ doctoral researchers wihtin the Helmholtz Association.
  • Equality Working group: Supporting equality of opportunity for women and men within the UFZ.
  • Compatibility of carrier and family: Participation on creating the target agreements within the framework of the "audit berufundfamilie" (audit family and career).

Completed projects:

  • 65% TVöD contracts for doctoral researchers
  • Adaption of the doctoral researcher contracts according to TVöD standard
  • Contribution to the mission statement for Doctoral Researcher supervision
  • Participation in organizing the UFZ summer events
  • Providing table soccer