Transfer News
October – December 2022
UFZ scientist is award winner of the Energy and Environment Foundation Leipzig
In recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements, Dr. Jordan from the Department of Bioenergy was given the Promotion of Young Scientists Award of the Energy and Environment Foundation Leipzig in the category Energy and Environment for his dissertation "The future role of bioenergy in the German heat sector: Insights from an energy system analysis". The award ceremony took place on 21 November 2022, on the occasion of the 15th expert meeting of “Netzwerk Energie & Umwelt e.V.”.
The method developed by Matthias Jordan for optimising heat concepts maps the competition between heat supply concepts from renewable energies. The optimisation model also outlines the path to achieving a climate-neutral heat supply in Germany by 2050. In doing so, the integration of consumer preferences is a new approach that also considers the non-technical barriers to the energy transition. Matthias Jordan shows interdependencies and derives model-based recommendations for decision-makers in municipalities, companies, authorities and politics. He supports the search for efficient solutions to a highly topical problem.
We congratulate Matthias Jordan and wish him continued success in his endeavours!
About the Foundation:
The Leipzig Energy & Environment Foundation helps to promote the Leipzig-Halle site as a centre of excellence for promising and environmentally friendly energy technologies, thereby strengthening the Central German region economically. Its future-oriented support focuses on the region of Central Germany, with the aim of promoting innovative further education, science and research in the fields of generation, conversion, optimisation, distribution and use of energy under the aspects of sustainability, economic efficiency, reliability of supply and environmental protection.
December 2022
Expert meeting at the UFZ with kick-off speaker Wolfram Günther, Saxony's Minister of State
Leipzig wants to reduce its CO₂ emissions to 2.5 tonnes per inhabitant by 2050. The planned measures for energy saving, energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and the improvement of the city's climate require a cooperative exchange between municipal administration, companies, associations and societies in order to jointly define and implement effective approaches. An expert meeting has been set up to facilitate this exchange with keynote speeches, insights into the Leipzig start-up and research scene as well as inspiring discussions in the NEU e.V. forums.
Under the title "CO₂-NEUtrale Stadt Leipzig - Wie geht's?" (CO₂-NEUtral City of Leipzig – How can it work?), ENERGIEMETROPOLE Leipzig (in German) invites you to a diverse programme at Leipzig's KUBUS on 21 November (9:30 am - 4:30 pm).
The Saxon State Minister for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture, Wolfram Günther, will welcome you as the opening speaker and provide insights into current developments on security of supply and ways out of the energy problem.
Presented by UFZ during pitch session: "Shaping NEW ideas" Prof. Dr. Holger Weiß on the KONATES project (model trial on the use of contaminated aquifers for heat management with ATES plants). In addition, the bioeconomy model from the Department of Environmental Microbiology will be set up in the foyer.
Further information on the agenda (in German), registration and admission prices can be found here (in German). The registration deadline is 14 November. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 150.
November 2022