Yu Xia


Yu Xia

PhD Student

Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research – UFZ
Department of Environmental Immunology
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Phone: +49 341 6025-1544

Yu Xia
Photo: Sebastian Wiedling/UFZ

Research Interests

  • Investigating the impact of endocrine disruptors on placental function
  • Examining the effects of persistent chemicals on pregnancy-related disorders

Curriculum vitae / Scientific career

Since 2023

PhD student (Dr. rer. med.), Department Environmental Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany

2019 - 2022

Master’s in Gynecology of Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan, China

2014 - 2019

Bachelor’s in Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan, China



Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) funding


Outstanding Graduates of Hunan Province, China


National Scholarship for Master’s Students, China


Xia Y, et al.: Gene Expression Network Analysis Identifies Potential Targets for Prevention of Preeclampsia. International Journal of General Medicine. 2022.

Zhao Y, Xia Y, et al.: Cross-Tissue Analysis Using Machine Learning to Identify Novel Biomarkers for Knee Osteoarthritis. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2022.