Foto Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ

Knowledge Transfer

Global challenges such as climate change, water scarcity or food security require increasingly complex answers that can only be found in dialogue and exchange between science, business, politics and civil society.

Our researchers work through the state of the art of research regarding environmental issues and apply this knowledge to concrete thematic fields such as energy policy and, on this basis, provide recommendations for action to optimise knowledge transfer and science policy.

How can we ensure science effectively finds its way into public policy-making?
In 2012, a Science-Policy Expert Group was established at the UFZ. The group is working to further develop concepts and establish knowledge synthesis methods which are tailored to the users' needs. In addition to scientific research into existing interfaces between science, policy, and society, the group also looks back on many years of active collaboration at these interfaces.

Icon Lupe
Knowledge Transfer – Explore

Icon Kreislauf
Knowledge Transfer – Create

Icon Zahnräder
Knowledge Transfer – Collaborate
