Data & Visualization / Research Data Management

The Research Data Management (RDM) unit supports and promotes centre-wide activities for the provision and reuse of research data in accordance with the FAIR principles. RDM is involved in cross-centre research activities with a focus on research data management (e.g. Helmholtz Earth and Environment DataHub/Link) and supports national (e.g. National Research Data Infrastructure, NFDI/Link) and international (e.g. EOSC/Link) research data infrastructures and initiatives.

Visualisierungszentrum © André Künzelmann / UFZ
VisLab - 3D centre

VisLab offers the possibility to explore and analyse complex and heterogeneous spatial data sets.

Rechenzentrum UFZ. Foto: Sebastian Wiedling / UFZ
EVE cluster

EVE is a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster at the UFZ and provides the possibility for the scientists to run big and complex calculations.

Grafik Research Data Management
Research Data Management

The handling of research data is a core component of good scientific practice. This is where Research Data Management (RDM) offers support to UFZ researchers.