Marcel Lorenz

Contact / Address:

Phone: +49 341 235-1586
Office: Building 1.0, Room 106

Marcel Lorenz

Curriculum Vitae

2021-present Administrative Manager of the Priority Programme “Systems Ecology of Soils – Energy Discharge Modulated by Microbiome and Boundary Conditions (SoilSystems)” (SPP 2322) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), University of Trier and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Department of Environmental Biotechnology
2016-2021 PhD in Soil Science at the Department of Soil Science (Prof. Dr. Sören Thiele-Bruhn) of the University of Trier
2016 Master of Science in Physical Geography/ Geoecology at University of Leipzig


My research is embedded in the DFG joint research program SoilSystems ( that aims to integrate thermodynamic descriptions into the processes of soil organic carbon turnover in order to gain a systemic view on energy and matter fluxes and their relations to biota, non-living soil components, and environmental properties as boundary conditions. This will enable improved assessment and prediction of dynamic biogeochemical processes, boundary constraints and performance limits.
Furthermore, I am particularly interested to investigate the turnover and stabilization mechanisms of soil organic matter in forest ecosystems under the influence of tree species using biogeochemical methods. Beyond the research area of soil organic matter, my second research focus is on the genesis and development of soils in different landscapes as well as their classification according to the German classification system and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB).


You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (3)

to index


Klaes, B., Wörner, G., Thiele-Bruhn, S., Arz, H. W., Struck, J., Dellwig, O., Groschopf, N., Lorenz, M., Wagner, J.-F., Baeza Urrea, O., Lamy, F., Kilian, R., 2021: Element mobility related to rock weathering and soil formation at the westward side of the southernmost Patagonian Andes. Science of the Total Environ. 817, 152977.

Lorenz, M., Hofmann, D., Steffen, B., Fischer, K., Thiele-Bruhn, S., 2021. The molecular composition of extractable soil microbial compounds and their contribution to soil organic matter vary with soil depth and tree species. Science of the Total Environment 781:146732.

Lorenz, M., Derrien, D., Zeller, B., Udelhoven, T., Werner, W., Thiele-Bruhn, S., 2020. The linkage of 13C and 15N soil depth gradients with C:N and O:C stoichiometry reveals tree species effects on organic matter turnover in soil. Biogeochemistry 151:203-220.

Lorenz, M.,Thiele-Bruhn, S., 2019. Tree species affect soil organic matter stocks and stoichiometry in interaction with soil microbiota. Geoderma 353: 35-46.


I gave several practical courses at the University of Trier that encompass field courses in soil science (incl. genesis, identification, classification and mapping of soils) as well as lab courses to characterize soils using different biogeochemical methods.


• European Geosciences Union (EGU)
• Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft (DBG)
• Verband für Geoökologie in Deutschland e.V. (VGöD)