Arbeitsgruppe Stable Isotopes and Biogeochemical Cylces - SIBC




Beuters P, Scherer HW, Spott O, Vetterlein D. Impact of potassium on plant uptake of non-exchangeable NH4+-N. Plant and Soil 2014, accepted.

Opitz S, Küsel K, Spott O, Totsche KU, Herrmann M. Oxygen availability and distance to surface environments determine community composition and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in two superimposed pristine limestone aquifers in the Hainich region, Germany. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2014, accepted.

Müller C, Laughlin RJ, Spott O, Rütting T. Quantification of N2O emission pathways via a 15N tracing model. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 72, 2014, p. 44-54.

Schütt M, Borken W, Spott O, Stange CF, Matzner E. Temperature sensitivity of C and N mineralization in temperate forest soils at low temperatures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 69, 2014, p. 320-327.


Stange CF, Spott O, Russow R. Analysis of the coexisting pathways for NO and N2O formation in Chernozem using the 15N-tracer SimKIM-Advanced model. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 49(4), 2013, p. 503-519.

Russow R, Tauchnitz N, Spott O, Mothes S, Bernsdorf S, Meissner R. Nitrate turnover in a peat soil under drained and rewetted conditions: results from a [15N]nitrate-bromide double-tracer study. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 49(4), 2013, p. 438-453.

Iskander B, Menendez S, Dunabeitia M, Merino P, Stange CF, Spott O, Gonzalez-Murua C, Estavillo JM. Greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, N2O, and CH4) from forest soils in the Basque country: Comparision of different tree species and growth stages. Forest Ecology and Management 310, 2013, p. 600-611.

Tischer K, Kleinsteuber S, Schleinitz KM, Fetzer I, Spott O, Stange F, Lohse U, Franz J, Neumann F, Gerling S, Schmidt C, Hasselwander E, Harms H, Wendeberg A. Microbial communities along biogeochemical gradients in a hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifer. Environmental Microbiology 15(9), 2013, p. 2603–2615.

Stange CF, Spott O, Arriaga H, Menendez S, Estavillo JM, Merino P. Use of the inverse abundance approach to identify the sources of NO and N2O release from Spanish forest soils under oxic and hypoxic conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (2), 2013, p. 451-458.


Spott O, Stange CF. Formation of hybrid N2O in a suspended soil due to codenitrification of NH2OH. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174 (4), 2011, p. 554-567.

Spott O, Russow R, Stange CF. Formation of hybrid N2O and hybrid N2 due to codenitrification: First review of a barely considered process of microbially mediated N-nitrosation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (10), 2011, p. 1995-2011. Top 25 Hottest Articles in Soil Biology and Biochemistry July-September 2011


Stange CF, Spott O, Müller C. An inverse abundance approach to separate soil N pools and gaseous N fluxes into fractions related to ammonium, nitrate, and soil organic nitrogen. European Journal of Soil Science 60 (6), 2009, p. 907-915.

Stange CF, Neue H-U. Measuring and modelling seasonal variation of gross nitrification rates in response to long-term fertilisation. Biogeosciences 6 (10), 2009, p. 2181-2191.

Wan Y, Ju x, Ingwersen J, Schwarz U, Stange CF, Zhang F, Streck T. Gross Nitrogen Transformations and Related Nitrous Oxide Emissions in an Intensively Used Calcareous Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (1), 2009, p. 102-112.

Russow R, Stange CF, Neue HU. Role of nitrite and nitric oxide in the processes of nitrification and denitrification in soil: Results from 15N tracer experiments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (4), 2009, p. 785-795.


Silvennoinen H, Liikanen A, Torssonen J, Stange CF, Martikainen PJ. Denitrification and nitrous oxide effluxes in boreal, eutrophic river sediments under increasing nitrate load: a laboratory microcosm study. Biogeochemistry 91 (2-3), 2008, p. 105-106.

Silvennoinen H, Liikanen A, Torssonen J, Stange CF, Martikainen PJ. Denitrification and N2O effluxes in the Bothnian Bay (northern Baltic Sea) river sediments as affected by temperature under different oxygen concentrations. Biogeochemistry 88 (1), 2008, p. 63-72.

Xu X, Stange CF, Richter A, Wanek W, Kuzyakov Y. Light affects competition for inorganic and organic nitrogen between maize and rhizosphere microorganisms. Plant and Soil 304 (1-2), 2008, p. 59-72.

Ingwersen J, Schwarz U, Stange CF, Ju X, Streck T. Shortcomings in the commercialized Barometric Process Separation Measuring System. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72, 2008, p. 153-142.

Russow R, Spott O, Stange CF. Evaluation of nitrate and ammonium as sources of NO and N2O emissions from Black Earth (Haplic Chernozem) soils based on 15N field experiments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (2), 2008, p. 380-391.


Spott O, Stange CF. A new mathematical approach for calculating the contribution of anammox, denitrification, and atmosphere to an N2 mixture based on a 15N tracer technique. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 21 (14), 2007, p. 2398-2406.
Excel-File zur Kalkulation (27.5 kB)

Stange CF. A novel approach to combine response functions in ecological process modelling. Ecological Modelling 204 (3-4), 2007, p.547-552.

Stange CF, Spott O, Apelt B, Russow, R. Automated and rapid online determination of 15N abundance and concentration of ammonium, nitrite, or nitrate in aqueous samples by the SPINMAS technique. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 43 (3), 2007, p.227-236.

Russow B, Intorp M, Müller C, Stange CF. GC-R-CF-MS methods to determine the 13C abundance of gaseous combustion products in cigarette smoke. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 43 (3), 2007, p.257-262.

Paredes D, Kuschk P, Stange F, Müller RA, Köser H. Model experiments on improving nitrogen removal in laboratory scale subsurface constructed wetlands by enhancing the anaerobic ammonia oxidation. Water Science & Technology 56 (3), 2007, p. 145-150.

Inselsbacher E, Cambui CA, Richter A, Stange CF, Mercier H., Waneck W. Organic versus inorganic nitrogen nutrition and nitrogen dynamics within the tanks of the epiphytic bromeliad Vriesea gigantea. New Phytologist 175 (2), 2007, p. 311-320.

Silvennoinen H, Hietanen S, Liikanen A, Stange CF, Russow R, Kuparinen J, Martikainen PJ. Denitrification in the river estuaries of the northern Baltic Sea. Ambio 36 (2-3), 2007, p. 134-140.

Vetterlein D, Stange F, Szegedi K, Jahn R. Impact of soil texture on temporal and spatial development of osmotic-potential gradients between bulk soil and rhizosphere. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 170 (3), 2007, p.347-356.

Paredes D, Kuschk P, Köser H, Mbwette T, Stange F, Müller RA. New aspects on microbial nitrogen transformation processes in the focus of wastewater treatment - A Review. Engineering in Life Sciences 7 (1), 2007, p. 13-25.


Spott O, Russow R, Apelt B, Stange CF. A 15N-aided artificial atmosphere gas flow technique for online determination of soil N2 release by using the zeolite Köstrolith SX6®. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 20 (22), 2006, p. 3267-3274.


Stange F, Döhling F. 15N tracing model SimKIM to analyse the NO and N2O production during autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification in soils. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 41 (3), 2005, p. 261-274.
SIMKIM_ISEHS_856.mod (0.2 MByte)

Stange CF, Horn R. Modeling the soil water retention curve for conditions of variable porosity. Vadose Zone Journal 4, 2005, p. 602-613.

Russow R, Veste M, Böhme F. A natural N-15 approach to determine the biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by biological soil crusts of the Negev Desert. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 19 (23), 2005, p. 3451-3456.


Rückauf U, Augustin J, Russow R, Merbach W. Nitrate removal from drained and reflooded fen soils affected by soil N transformation processes and plant uptake. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (1), 2004, p. 77-90.

Russow R, Veste M, Littmann T. Using the natural 15N abundance to assess the main nitrogen inputs into the sand dune area of the North-Western Negev desert (ISRAEL). Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 40 (1), 2004, p. 57-67.


Russow R, Apelt B. Determining the content and 13C abundance of total dissolved carbon in water samples by TOC analyser-mass spectrometer coupling. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 39 (4), 2003, p. 311-314.


Russow R, Kupka HJ, Gotz A, Apelt B. A new approach to determining the content and N-15 abundance of total dissolved nitrogen in aqueous samples: TOC analyser-QMS coupling. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 38 (4), 2002, p. 215-225.


Butterbach-Bahl K, Stange F, Papen H, Li C. Regional inventory of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions for forest soils of southeast Germany using the biogeochemical model PnET-N-DNDC. Journal of Geophysical Research 106, 2001, p. 34155-34162.


Li C, Aber JD, Stange F, Butterbach-Bahl K, Papen H. A process-oriented model of N2O and NO emission from forest soils. 1. Model development. Journal of Geophysical Research 105, 2000, p. 4369-438.

Stange F, Butterbach-Bahl K, Papen H, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Li C, Aber JD. A process-oriented model of N2O and NO emission from forest soils. 2. Sensitivity analysis and validation. Journal of Geophysical Research 105, 2000, p. 4385-4398.

Russow R, Sich I, Neue HU. The formation of trace gases NO and N2O in soils by the coupled processes of nitrification and denitrification: results of kinetic 15N tracer investigations. Chemosphere - Global Change Science 2, 2000, p. 359-366.

Wolf I, Russow R. Different pathways of formation of N2O, N2 and NO in black earth soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32 (2), 2000, p. 229-239.


Sich I, Russow R. 15N analysis of nitric oxide and nitrous oxide by cryotrap enrichment using a gas chromatograph quadrupole mass spectrometer and its application to 15N-Tracer investigations of NO/N2O formation in soil. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 13 (13), 1999, p. 1325-1328.

Russow R. Determination of 15N in 15N-enriched nitrite and nitrate in aqueous samples by reaction continuous-flow quadrupole mass spectrometer. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 13 (13), 1999, p. 1334-1338.