Working Groups

Group L. Samaniego

Stochastic and Land Surface Hydrology

Luis Samaniego: "Our main focus is on understanding and modeling the complex interaction of land-surface hydrologic processes and their spatial and temporal variability at meso- to macro-scale"

Group S. Attinger

Sabine Attinger: "We are concerned with developing computational methods to scale processes in the hydrological cycle. Avoiding heuristically motivated upscaling steps, we propose to develop a systematic multi-scale scheme starting from physically based conservation laws of water and matter fluxes on smallest scales up to conceptual models on terrain scale, in order to close the gap between traditional hydrological modelling and modelling approaches in soil science and groundwater hydrology. "

Subsurface Hydrology

Group C. Rebmann

Model Driven Monitoring

Anke Hildebrandt: "In order to test the process understanding reflected in models in times of climate change, as well as to validate earth system models, we need reliable and standardised long-term data at representative locations. To this end, we operate three of our own intensive monitoring sites that measure water flows and the exchange of carbon and trace gases in forests, grasslands and agriculture, thereby contributing to national and international monitoring networks."

Group A. Kleidon-Hildebrandt

Group S. Thober

Hydro-Scientific Software Development

Stephan Thober: "We develop high-quality software in cooperation with working groups at the UFZ that work in the field of hydrosciences. This means that we maintain and update already existing codes. Furthermore, we enable and implement new projects in close collaboration with researchers."

Group A. Marx

Climate Office for Central Germany

Andreas Marx: "The Climate Office for Central Germany is part of a Helmholtz Climate Office Network. These Regional Climate Offices pool and impart research findings that are of particular relevance for climate-sensitive areas of the region in question."