Projects of the Working Group “Energy”
Current Projects
DigiMon – Digital Monitoring of CO2 Storage Projects (ACT-EU)
BEniVer – Accompanying research on the energy transition in transport
HI-CAM – Helmholtz Climate Initiative
InPositiv – Indirect positive contributions of renewable energies to nature conservation
KonditorGas - Industrial process heat generation through catalytic conditioning of synthesis gases
SoBio – Scenarios of optimal energetic biomass usage until 2030 and 2050
SYMOBIO – Systemic Monitoring and Modelling of the Bioeconomy
Joint Programme Energy Systems Integration, EERA
Renewable Energy Research Association – FVEE
IEA Bioenergy, Task 44: Flexible Bioenergy and System Integration
Completed Projects
Analyse der gesamtökonomischen Effekte von Biogasanlagen − Wirkungsabschätzung des EEG
Energy-efficient Delitzsch (see also the page of the University of Leipzig)
Energy-Trans (see also
EnGeno – Role of energy cooperatives for the energy turnaround
Comparative law analysis on instruments for sustainable land management (CLAIM)