PD Dr. habil.
Wolf von Tümpling

Head of Central Laboratory for Water analytics & Chemometrics

Helmholtz Centre for 
Environmental Research - UFZ
Central Laboratory for Water Analytics & Chemometrics
Brückstrasse 3a
39114 Magdeburg

Tel: +49 (0) 341-6025-4300

Persönliche Bild

Academic education

11.1986 - 07.1991

Study of chemistry at the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena



Ph.D.: As scientist extern at the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena:
"Environmental behaviour of Mercury and its species in tropical eco-systems"

Habilitation: As Scientist extern at the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena:
"Dynamic of pollutants during flood events and its consequences for inland surface waters"

Professional activities


Scientist at the  Max-Planck Institute for Limnology in Plön within a German-Brazilian research co-operation Project


Scientist and deputy project manager at the GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht


Senior advisor during the development and consolidation including a future accredition option at the  central analytical laboratory for water- and waste water investigation at the  Pollution Control Department (PCD) of the Thai government in Bangkok

Since 2000/01

Since 2012/12

Head of the central laboratory  for "water analytics & chemometrics" at the Helmholtz Centre for environmental research in Magdeburg

Private lecturer at the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena

R&D and management activities

  • Studies to investigate the dynamic of pollutants in running and urbane waters during and after extrem events
  • Chemometrial judge- and assessment of analytical data
  • Management and expansion of the central water analytical laboratory with the focus on:
    • nutrients and basic parameters
    • organic substances and selected pollutants
    • element analytics

Involvement in forums and committees

  • Member of the GDCh-Division "Waterchemistry"
  • Member of the working group "Chemometrics and Quality Assurance" at the Division "Analytical Chemistry" within the Association of German Chemists (GDCh)
  • Member of the working group "Chemometrics" within the Division "Waterchemistry" of the GDCh