Communication and outreach
We pay special attention to reaching out with our research results, both to specific target groups such as regulators and to the general public. Two examples are: (i) a blog by the interdisciplinary artist Roman Kroke that was published during the scientific expedition on the German Research Vessel SONNE when crossing the North Pacific Ocean to collect material from the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch within the BMBF project MICRO-FATE and (ii) a research comic targeting children between 3 and 10 years giving selected results of the JPI Oceans project WEATHER-MIC. Additionally, we contribute regularly to science fairs like Researchers‘ Nights. Furthermore, information regarding the safety of anthropogenic particles is summarized for everyone on the web-based knowledge base This science communication activity runs for more than 10 years in the frame of the DaNa projects.
Contributing scientists:
Annika Jahnke
Dana Kühnel
Dušan Materić
See e.g. articles:
Spotlight January 2021: Nanoplastics challenge – How to improve tracking of nanopolystyrene distribution in the environment.
DaNa4.0 - Data on new, innovative and safe application related materials; (BMBF) 01.03.2020 - 28.02.2023,