Dr. Christin Müller


Department Catchment Hydrology
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Theodor-Lieser-Straße 4
D-06120 Halle, Germany

Tel: (+49) 345 558 5235 

Erlauf sampling

CV / Scientific Career

since 2015

01/2012 - 07/2015

Scientific researcher at Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Dept. Catchment Hydrology
MOSES-Project in TERENO catchment Bode (Germany)

Scientific researcher at Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Dept. Effect-Directed Analysis
Project manager of the European SOLUTIONS-Project

Scientific researcher at Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Dept. Catchment Hydrology
ENA-project at the BTEX location Zeitz, Germany: Laboratory and field work, stable isotope approach

PhD student, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research in Halle (Saale)
Topic: Isotope Patterns to Model Large Scale Mass Transport and Flow Dynamics in Two European Catchments

Intern supervisors (UFZ): Dr Kay Knöller and Prof. Dr. Ralf Merz

10/2005 - 09/2011

Study of Geoecology, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
Specialization: Hydrogeology, Environmental Analysis, Pedology

Diploma thesis at the institut of Hydrogeology, TU Freiberg
Topic: Geothermal state of shallow submarine geothermal systems and isotopic signatures of Panarea, Aeolian Islands (Italy)

Practical training & International experiences

04/2009 - 09/2011

Education to a CMAS certified confirmed Scientific Diver
Organized by the Scientific Diving Center TU Bergakademie Freiberg

10/2009 - 02/2010

Practical training at the Moreton Bay Research Station, University of Queensland, Australia
Topic: Degradation of different types of plastic in gastrointestinal fluids of marine sea turtles

Research interests

Hydrogeochemical processes, flow dynamics and matter fluxes on regional catchment scale

therefore: using of different stable isotopes (from nitrate, sulfate, H2O, dissolved organic and anorganic carbon) considering landscape and climatic changes

Influence of different compartments like headwater, groundwater and precipitation on matter and flow dynamics on catchment scale


Yang X, Tetzlaff D, Müller C, Knöller K, Borchardt D, Soulsby C (2023): Upscaling tracer-aided ecohydrological modeling to larger catchments: Implications for process representation and heterogeneity in landscape organization. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR033033. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR033033

Utom A U, Müller C, Knöller K, Vogt C (2022): Chapter 20 - On the use of dual-nitrate isotopic and chloride composition to partition nitrate source contributions in an agriculturally impacted aquifer. Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research, Volume 5, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85378-1.00020-9

Pludra H, Frei H, Müller C (2022): Die Welt der Süßwasserquellen - Deutschlands faszinierende Naturdenkmale, Pietsch Motorbuch Verlag; 1. Edition (31. März 2022). 192 Seiten, ISBN-10: ‎ 3613509288

Weitere M. et al. (2021): Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 769, 15 May 2021, 144324

Müller C, Knöller K, Lucas R, Kleinsteuber S, Trabitzsch R, Weiß H, Stollberg R, Richnow HH, Vogt C (2020): Benzene degradation in contaminated aquifers: Enhancing natural attenuation by injecting nitrate, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Volume 238, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2020.103759

Schubert M, Knoeller K, Mueller C, Gilfedder B (2020): Investigating River Water/Groundwater Interaction along a Rivulet Section by 222Rn Mass Balancin, Water, 12(11), 3027; https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113027

Utom AU, Werban U, Leven C, Müller C, Knöller K, Vogt C, Dietrich P (2020): Groundwater nitrification and denitrification are not always strictly aerobic and anaerobic processes, respectively: an assessment of dual-nitrate isotopic and chemical evidence in a stratified alluvial aquifer, Biogeochemistry, volume 147, pages211–223(2020),

Brack W, Aissa S A, Backhaus T, Dulio V, Escher B I, Faust M, Hilscherova K, Hollender J, Hollert H, Müller C, Munthe J, Posthuma L, Seiler T-B, Slobodnik J, Teodorovic I, Tindall. A J, Umbuzeiro G A, Zhang X, Altenburger R (2019): Effect-based methods are key. The European Collaborative Project SOLUTIONS recommends integrating effect-based methods for diagnosis and monitoring of water quality, Environmental Sciences Europe, 31:10, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-019-0192-2

Utom AU, Werban U, Leven C, Müller C, Dietrich P (2019): Adaptive observation-based subsurface conceptual site modeling framework combining interdisciplinary methodologies: a case study on advancing the understanding of a groundwater nitrate plume occurrence. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 26(16):15754-15766. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-05048-7

Lutz S R, Krieg R, Müller C, Zink M, Knöller K, Samaniego L, Merz R (2018): Spatial Patterns of Water Age: Using Young Water Fractions to Improve the Characterization of Transit Times in Contrasting Catchments. Water Resources Research, 54. doi:10.1029/2017WR022216.

Müller C, Musolff A, Strachauer U, Brauns M, Tarasova L, Merz R, Knöller K (2018):
Tomography of anthropogenic nitrate contribution along a mesoscale river, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 615, pages 773–783, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.297, download: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1Vv2wB8cccoAN

Gottselig N, Amelung W, Kirchner J W, Bol R, Eugster W, Granger S J, Hernández-Crespo C, Herrmann F, Keizer J J, Korkiakoski M, Laudon H, Lehner I, Löfgren S, Lohila A, Macleod C J A, Mölder M, Müller C, Nasta P, Nischwitz V, Paul-Limoges E, Pierret M C, Pilegaard K, Romano N, Sebastià M T, Stähli M, Voltz M, Vereecken H, Siemens J, Klumpp E (2017):
Natural nanoparticles and colloids in European forest stream waters and their role as phosphorus carriers, Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Stanulla R, Pohl T, Mueller C, Engel J, Hoyer M, Broder M (2017):
Structural and Mineralogical Study of Active and Inactive Hydrothermal Fluid Discharges in Panarea, Italy, Environmental Earth Sciences, 76: 404, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-017-6714-6

Wollschläger U, Attinger S, Borchardt D, Brauns M, Cuntz M, Dietrich P, Fleckenstein J, Friese K, Friesen J, Hildebrandt A, Jäckel G, Kamjunke N, Knöller K, Kögler S, Kolditz O, Krieg R, Kumar R, Lausch A, Liess M, Marx A, Merz R, Mueller C, Musolff A, Norf H, Rebmann C, Reinstorf F, Rode M, Rink K, Rinke K, Samaniego L, Vieweg M, Vogel H-J, Weitere M, Werban U, Zink M, Zacharias S (2017):
The Bode Catchment as part of the TERENO Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory: A platform for integrated, interdisciplinary eco-hydrological research, Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(1): 29, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-6327-5

Mueller C, Zink M, Samaniego L, Krieg R, Merz R, Rode M, Knöller K (2016):
Discharge Driven Nitrogen Dynamics in a Mesoscale River Basin As Constrained by Stable Isotope Patterns, Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b01057

Utom A U, Werban U, Leven C, Müller C, Knöller K, Dietrich P (07/2016, submitted):
Confirming observations examine the reliability of a conceptual site model

Tittel J, Mueller C, Musolff A, Schultze M, Knöller K (2015):
Fluvial radiocarbon and its temporal variability during contrasting hydrological conditions, Biogeochemistry. Vol 126, Issue 1, pp 57-69. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-015-0137-9

Mueller C, Krieg R, Merz R, Knöller K (2015):
Regional nitrogen dynamics in the TERENO Bode River catchment, Germany, as constrained by stable isotope patterns, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. p. 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2015.1019489

Mueller C, Matschullat J, Townsend K. (2011):
Experimental degradation of polymer shopping bags (standard and degradable plastic, and biodegradable) in the gastrointestinal fluids of sea turtles, Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.10.069

Mueller C (2011):
Geothermal state of shallow submarine geothermal systems and isotopic signatures of Panarea, Aeolian Islands (Italy), Freiberg Online Geosciences, Vol 30. Diplomarbeit


Oldorff S, Bernhard S, Krautkrämer V, Köhler R, Eßler M, Yasseri S, Pudwill R, Kirschey T, Brümmer F, Mueller C (2015): Besonderheiten bei der Bewertung von Tagebaurestseen des LRT 3140 nach der FFH-Richtlinie – Ergebnisse der Exkursion des Arbeitskreises Tauchen in der Limnologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Erweiterte Zusammenfassung der Jahrestagung 2014 (Magdeburg-Stendal)


Oral talk

Mueller C, Winkler K, Maack G, Barth G, Frei H, Freier U, Knepel G, Müller R-W, Pohl T, Brümmer F (03/2015): VDST Ressort Scientific Diving – Training of CMAS scientific divers, 1st European Conference on Scientific Diving, 2015 Stuttgart

Brümmer F, Müller R-W, Mueller C (03/2015): Facilities for scientific diving training, 1st European Conference on Scientific Diving, 2015 Stuttgart

Tittel J, Mueller C, Schultze M, Knöller K (02/2015): Contemporary and ancient carbon mobilized in watersheds of different landuse and topography, 2015 Aquatic Science Meeting ASLO, Granada

Tittel J, Mueller C, Schultze M, Knöller K (10/2014): Die Quellen des terrestrischen Kohlenstoff-Exports in zwei Einzugsgebieten mit unterschiedlicher Landnutzung und Topographie, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. DGL und der Societas Internationalis Limnologiae SIL

Mueller C, Merz R, Krieg R, Knöller K (10/2014): Regional nitrogen dynamics in the Bode river system, Germany, as constrained by stable isotope patterns, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope e.V., ASI 2014, Helmholtz-Zentrum München

Mueller C, Merz R, Krieg R, Knöller K (10/2013): Regionale Isotopenverteilungsmuster zur Betrachtung großskaliger Stoff- und Fließdynamiken des TERENO Bode Flusseinzugsgebietes, 2nd TERENO Workshop „Wasserisotope“ to the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ Potsdam

Jaeger J, Mueller C, Merz R, Krieg R, Knöller K (10/2013): Einfluss der Raum-Zeit-Variabilität der Niederschlagsmenge und -zusammensetzung auf die großräumige Fließ- und Stoffdynamik im Einzugsgebiet der Bode, 2nd TERENO Workshop „Wasserisotope“ to the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ Potsdam

Mueller C, Merz R, Krieg R, Knöller K (07/2013): Assessment of regional nitrogen dynamics in two European river catchments by stable isotope investigations, Isotope Workshop XII, European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg

Sieland R, Mueller C, Tichomirowa M, Knöller K, Schipek M, Merkel B (07/2013): Geothermal activity as a key to the past: stable isotopes indicate the presence of Messinian evaporates in the submarine hydrothermal system of Panarea, Italy; Isotope Workshop XII, European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg

Mueller C, Merz R, Krieg R, Knöller K (11/2012): Assessment of large scale hydrological and hydrochemical processes by means of regional Isotope patterns, Workshop der Kommission I “Bodenphysik und Bodenhydrologie der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ Leipzig

Mueller C, Merz R, Krieg R, Knöller K (09/2012): Assessment of large scale hydrological and hydrochemical processes by means of regional Isotope patterns, Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting (Jesium), Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ Leipzig

Mueller C, Sieland R, Schipek M, Italiano F, Kummer N-A, Merkel B (11/2011): Gas geochemistry at the submarine volcano Panarea, Italy – results from 2006 to 2011, 3rd International Symposium on Occupational Scientific Diving, Porto Cesareo, Lecce (Italien)


Mueller C, Merz R, Zink M, Krieg R, Rode M, Knöller K (11/2015): Discharge driven nitrogen dynamics in a large river catchment: an isotopic study, Integrates Project "Water and matter flux dynamics in catchments" Assembly 2015, 1st price Best Poster Award

Mueller C, Zink M, Krieg R, Rode M, Merz R, Knöller K (09/2015): Discharge driven nitrogen dynamics in a large river catchment: an isotopic study, Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope e.V. 2015, Heidelberg

Mueller C, Merz R, Krieg R, Knöller K (12/2012): Investigation of Large Scale Hydrological and Hydrochemical Processes by Regional Isotope Patterns, American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco

Mueller C, Sieland R, Merkel B, Knöller K (04/2012): Hydrothermal water exhalations at the submarine volcano Panarea, Italy – insights from stable isotope investigations, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Wien

Mueller C, Barth G, Merkel B (11/2011): Geothermal state of shallow submarine geothermal systems of Panarea, Aeolian Islands (Italy), 3rd International Symposium on Occupational Scientific Diving, Porto Cesareo, Lecce (Italien)


1st European Conference on Scientific Diving, Stuttgart (03/2015): Scientific committee