Curriculum Vitae
Dr. rer. nat. Angela Lausch
Acceptance of the Habilitation thesis at the Humboldt University of Berlin on “Landscape Patterns in Space, Time and Scale – Analysing, Quantifying, Assessing and Modelling in Landscapes“
PhD thesis at the Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn – Institute of Geography, „Spatial-temporal monitoring of landscape structures in the lignite mining region South of Leipzig using remote sensing and geoinformation (GIS)“. (Grade awarded: 1.0)
1984 – 1990
MSc Degree in Biology at the Karl-Marx University, Leipzig
1980 - 1984
Wilhelm Pieck – Marienberg: Abitur (A-levels) awarded the Gold Lessing Medal for top grade: 1.0
1972 - 1980
POS “Martin-Andersen-Nexö” Marienberg
Education - additive
Correspondence course „Practical Informatics „Data banks “ – Technical University of applied science Berlin
1994 – 1997
Correspondence course „Geographische Informationssysteme“ – UNIGIS – Salzburg
Trainer qualifications with IHK degree
external commissioner of environmental legislation: for waste, ecology, ecotoxicology, noise protection, water conservation, contaminated sites.
Academic achievements
UFZ Coordinator for Environmental Remote Sensing within the project TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories,
Working group leader for “Imaging hyperspectral remote sensing” at the UFZ. Responsible for setting up the technology and application of the UFZ’s own Imaging Hyperspectral Sensors AISA-EAGLE/HAWK (400-2500nm) on different platforms – long-term monitoring platforms in the laboratory and different aircraft platforms (Cessna, Piper).
Postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Computational Landscape Ecology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig-Halle; Research on remote sensing, habitat modelling and landscape modelling.
1991 – 1993
Lecturer in: landscape ecology, environmental technology, environmental toxicology, conservation, biology, landscape planning, environmental law, electronics: aeronautical appliances, ELEKLUFT GmbH Bonn, management and coordination of teaching, realisation of IHK examinations.
1990 – 1991
Research scientist at the toxicology institute ‘Graupa’, Germany
Professional activities
Working group leader in the project – “Sustainable land and water management of reservoir catchments” (SalMaR)
Development and establishment of working group “Hyperspectral Remote Sensing” at UFZ, responsible for installation, operations and application of the hyperspectral sensors AISA-EAGLE/HAWK (DUAL) in using the ultralight aircraft D-MUFZ of the UFZ.
Working group leader in the EU-Project „GREENVEINS – Vulnerability of Biodiversity in the Agro-ecosystem as influenced by Green Veining and Landuse Intensity“.
Working group leader in the project „Methodology for the recognition of biotope- and landscape diversity in the lignite mining region in the South of Leipzig using remote sensing and geoinformation“, The project was under DARA (now known as DLR)
1993 - 1996
Scientific associate at research project „Analysis of global change of extremely summer in the North of Germany 1992 on the agriculture in Eastern Germany. Estimation of the risk and detection of drought damage with GIS and remote sensing techniques”UFZ / PIK – Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
1995 - 2013
Supervision of ~23 Diploma, 2 Bachelor theses and 5 PhD theses in the field of remote sensing, landscape ecology, pattern and process analysis, habitat modelling, landscape monitoring
Skills and qualifications
IT in general
Standard-Office-Packages (Open Office, MS Office), Corel Draw, Adope, HTML, Photo Shop, Video Magic
R, Matlab, AML, IDL, SELES, Java
Empirical research
SPSS, STATISTICA, Crime-Stat, Bio-Mapper
ArcView, ArcGIS, SAGA GIS, IDRISI, ERDAS-IMAGINE, ENVI, Surfer, Global Mapper, Quantum GIS (QGIS), E-Cognition, ILMS-Image
Data bank
SQL, Oracle, Access, Postgress
Data Mining
Weka-Data Mining Bibliothek, RapidMiner
Pattern Analysis
Fragstats, Patch Analyst, R.LE, APACK
German (native speaker), English (fluent), Russian (working knowledge)
Pilot’s licence for Microlight Aircraft.
Operator's Certificate (I, english, II german)