Representative for severely disabled persons (SBV)
The SBV promotes the integration of severely disabled persons into the company, represents their interests, and provides them with assistance.
The tasks of the SBV
- The SBV monitors the implementation and fulfilment of the laws, regulations, collective agreements, and company or service agreements applicable to severely disabled persons.
- The SBV applies for preventive and supportive measures that help severely disabled persons.
- The SBV receives suggestions and complaints from severely disabled persons and negotiates with the employer.
- The SBV provides support with applications for determining the existence and degree of a severe disability as well as with applications for equality.
- The SBV has the right to inspect decisive parts of the application documents of severely disabled applicants, applicants with equal status, and non-disabled applicants. The same applies to participation in interviews and occupational integration meetings.
The diversity and inclusion of our staff is essential for innovative research because it allows the UFZ to maximise creativity and integrate many significant perspectives on the same issue. For the UFZ, the inclusion of severely disabled persons is an extremely valuable resource, which we want to promote, use, and secure in all scientific, technical, and administrative areas.
Applications from persons with severe disabilities are expressly welcome. These will be given special consideration in the selection process.
The SBV is happy to help you in the run-up to and during the application and recruitment process.
Applications from persons with severe disabilities are expressly welcome. These will be given special consideration in the selection process.
If you would like to send us an unsolicited application, please use this link.