Good Scientific Practice at the UFZ

Following cases of scientific misconduct within the national and international science community, the large research institutes and organisations in Germany have drafted Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice. According to these guidelines, the rules of this practice (which are internalized and followed by the overwhelming majority of scientists) should be explicitly stated and procedures should be institutionalized that deal with allegations of actual or suspected scientific misconduct.

Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice

By implementing the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice of the Helmholtz Association, the executive management board and the Scientific and Technical Council of the UFZ first declared Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice in 2002, which were revised in 2024 according to the DFG Code of Conduct.

Ombudspersons at UFZ

The Scientific and Technical Council elects two experienced scientists as ombudspersons for the duration of four years as contact persons for all issues dealing with good scientific practice as well as scientific misconduct. They serve as confidential contact persons to offer advice on general questions or in conflicts relating to good scientific practice, as well as in case of suspected scientific misconduct. The investigation procedure in case of alleged research misconduct is described in the UFZ rules. It starts with a preliminary examination by the ombudspersons, and is continued by a formal investigation by an external Committee of Enquiry when the suspicion of scientific misconduct could not be cleared up. Attempts to reach an amicable settlement are expressly supported in both procedures, insofar as this is objectively justified.

The Central Ombudsperson of the Helmholtz Association

The Helmholtz Association has long been committed to ensuring good scientific practice and is guided by the DFG Code of Conduct. The central ombudsperson can be approached, for example, in cases concerning good scientific practice that involve several Helmholtz centres or when both ombudspersons at UFZ seem biased.

The German Research Ombudsman

The Ombuds Committee for Research Integrity in Germany (appointed by the German Research Foundation DFG) is directly available to all scientists, regardless of any involvement of the DFG, to provide advice and support on questions of good scientific practice and its possible violations through scientific dishonesty. This body of volunteers was established in accordance with a recommendation by the Commission on Professional Self-regulation in Science, and sees itself as an institution for advice and mediation.

Scientists are free to contact either one of the ombudspersons of UFZ or the German Research Ombudsman.