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Equal Opportunities at UFZ

Diversity and Inclusion

„Equality means equal opportunities for women and men in all areas of society.“1

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The Equal Opportunities Officer has the mandate to promote equality between women and men at the UFZ and to identify and counteract existing and future discrimination based on gender and gender identity. read more…

She is involved in all personnel, organizational and social measures concerning the equality of women and men, the reconciliation of care work and the workplace, and protection against sexual harassment in the workplace. In this context, she also provides advice and support to individual employees.

The legal mandate of the Equal Opportunities Officer is to counteract discrimination against women in the workplace. At the same time, the legal situation is changing dynamically and gradually approaching reality, e.g. through increasing attention to gender diversity. The Equal Opportunities Officer supports the UFZ in the resulting adaptation processes. Despite the binary formulation of the legal basis, it is the claim to include the concerns and representation of non-binary and trans persons in the equal opportunities work as much as possible.

Third Equality Report of the Federal Government, p. 4

New Equal Opportunities Team starting in 2025

Gleichstellungsbeauftragte ab 2025 Julia Schmidtchen
Tellvertretende Gleichstellungsbeauftragte ab 2025 Elisa Rojo Nieto

Julia Schmidtchen, Administrative Coordinator of the Research Unit Ecosystems of the Future and the Department of Landscape Ecology, was elected as the new Equal Opportunities Officer of the UFZ for four years, starting on January 1st, 2025.

Equality goes far beyond numbers and quotas. It's about how we grow as a UFZ team - and what we are prepared to change to achieve this. Equality is not a "nice-to-have"; it affects us all.
As an Equal Opportunities Officer, I want to listen to employees' concerns and challenges and advocate for a working environment where everyone can grow with respect, appreciation, and fair opportunities. This office gives me the space to provide decisive impetus for natural, sustainable, and visible changes.

Dr. Elisa Rojo Nieto, Department of Exposure Science, was elected as Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer.

Equality should be at the core and essence of UFZ and should be supported and fostered. When I learnt that the deputy position for this office could not yet be filled, I decided to take on part of this responsibility myself. I am willing to learn alongside the new Equal Opportunities Officer, to provide the best support at our reach to our colleagues and advocate together in their interest when necessary, understanding equality in its broadest perspective and multidimensionality.

Current focus topics of Equal Opportunities

Sexualised Discrimination

Symbol sexualised discrimination

Sexism and violence do not stop at the scientific community and the UFZ. On our materials page you will find contact points, background information, as well as networks and projects against sexism and violence.


Symbol Antifeminism

Anti-feminist narratives are increasing in prominence both politically and socially, including at the UFZ. As a result, it is increasingly becoming the focus of gender equality work and was one of the topics discussed by the Equal Oportunities Officer at the 2024 works meeting.

Things to know about Gender Equality

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What do equality and equal opportunities have to do with me and my behaviour? How do I create good conditions for everyone? Who is seen, who is not? How can I get involved?

Concrete suggestions:

Diversity and Equal Opportunities at the UFZ - What can I do?

The Third Sex Option in the Civil Status Register: Consequences and Guidance for Everyday Work

Bild des UFZ-Campus

To the Subject

Of Course! & Of Course² - Two Comics about inspiring female scientists

of course cover © 2021 Waves to Weather Audine Laurian's comics address the problem of gender-specific loss rates in scientific careers. Both female and male role models play an important role for pupils, students and young scientists.

Two comic books, called "Of course!" and "Of course²" present the personal careers of fifteen scientists. They have all experienced gender bias and unbalanced team compositions firsthand at home, at school, and during their training, as well as in their workplaces. They all made positive changes with courageous decisions and now lead satisfied and fulfilling lives as scientists and scholars. (

Download OF COURSE! (2021)
Download Of course² (2022)

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