Leonard Bolte

PhD Student (DBU - PhD Scholarship)

Department Conservation Biology
Helmholtz - Centre for
Enviromental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany


Web registries


Scientific career

2017 - 2020 Master of Science "Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution“, Georg-August University Göttingen

Master thesis: „Habitat suitability and connectivity of Salamandra salamandra affected by Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans in the Eifel region“
2013 - 2017 Bachelor of Science "Biological Diversity and Ecology“, Georg-August University Göttingen

Bachelor thesis: "The importance of landscape structures and crop types for breeding birds in an intensively farmed area in Northwestern Germany"
2015 Erasmus Exchange, University of La Réunion

Academic positions

2021 Researcher, WG Molecular Evolution und Animal Systematics, University of Leipzig
2012 - 2020 Freelanced biologist (Mapping of Herpetofauna and Birds)
2017 - 2018 Student assistant in bachelors courses „Animal physiology“
and „Vegetation ecology (Forests and Waterbodies)“, University of Göttingen
2016 Internship at Association Mitsinjo, Madagascar
2012 - 2013 Voluntary Service at "Naturschutzstation Rhinluch, Linum"

Research interests

• Herpetology
• Population Ecology of Vertebrates
• Landscape Ecology
• Habitat- and Population Management


The Natterjack Toad - Conservation of pioneer species in a lignite mining area in central Germany

Project duration: 2021-2024
Partners: University of Leipzig, DBU, MIBRAG, Landratsamt Landkreis Leipzig – Umweltamt
Contact person: Leonard Bolte



Bolte, L., Goudarzi, F., Klenke, R., Steinfartz, S., Grimm-Seyfarth, A., & Henle, K. (2023). Habitat connectivity supports the local abundance of fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) but also the spread of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Landscape Ecology, 1-18.


Edmonds, D., Kessler, E., & Bolte, L. (2019). How common is common? Rapidly assessing population size and structure of the frog Mantidactylus betsileanus at a site in east‐central Madagascar. Austral Ecology, 44(7), 1196-1203.