Working Group "Technical Performance Data"

In the “Technical Performance Data” working group we investigate questions relating to process engineering and performance parameters of different green roof types. Here, our focus lies on establishing reliable water balances, developing effective control and operational management scenarios, and quantifying green roof co-functions such as water retention, cooling effects, and greywater treatment.
With a growing likelihood of more frequent extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall events and extended dry period due to the man-made climate crisis, urban areas will face increasingly difficult challenges when it comes to implementing sustainable and integrated water management on the local scale.
We use our research green roofs here at the UFZ campus and other pilot scale field sites to address these challenges and develop and test intelligent and integrated blue-green water management approaches and technologies to re-establish the natural water cycle in the city and make our urban spaces more resilient, future-proof, and climate-adapted.
Dr. Jan Knappe (UBZ)
Dr. Lucie Moeller (UBZ)
Katy Bernhard (UBZ)