SMART Research, Demonstration and Training Facility (Jordan)
Within the framework of the IWRM project SMART (Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies), the Fuheis demonstration site near Amman (Jordan) started operation in autumn 2009. Different technologies, including sequencing batch reactors, extended aeration systems, treatment wetlands, a sludge humification system and a sludge screening and anaerobic stabilization reactor are operated at the site.
This infrastructure will allow the characterization of the treatment performance of the different technologies under arid conditions. In addition, agricultural experiments will be carried out using the treated wastewater to irrigate different crops and fodder plants. The site integrates a demonstration and training platform for decentralized wastewater treatment and reuse technologies and will support institutional networking in this field (GTZ, USAID, Europe Aid, universities, and ministries) on a national and sub-regional level (Palestine, Jordan, Israel).