Research Areas

Photo. A. Künzelmann
Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions
The transition zone between groundwater and streams plays a key role for stream ecology and the turnover of solutes transported in the stream network and the adjacent aquifers. Our objective is to understand and quantify the combined effects of structure and hydrologic variability on water fluxes, redox zonation and solute turnover along morphological units and stream reaches.

Photo. A. Künzelmann
Solute Dynamics in Catchments
Predicting the solute flux response of a catchment to dynamic hydrologic forcing is a challenge due to the wide range of complex processes that affect the availability, mobility and subsequent transport of solutes. However, there is some evidence that simpler general principles and mechanisms can be identified for catchments that adequately describe the integral effect of the combined processes. Our goal is to identify the dominant controls of integrated catchment-scale solute response and to develop new data and model driven concepts to describe and quantify the associated dynamics.

Vieweg et al. ES&T 2013
New Methods & Models
We constantly seek to improve our method portfolio. New measuring and modeling techniques provide additional insight into into pattern and processes. For example, we develop an optical oxygen sensor which enables the unattended, repeated acquisition of time series of in situ oxygen profiles in water and sediment at a subcentimeter resolution covering a depth of up to one meter.