AGU Fall Meeting 2024
9-13 December 2024, Washington
AGU24. What's next for science?
Poster: Schauer, L.: H31Q - Leveraging Sensor Technologies, Networks, and Tools to Rethink Space-Time Dynamics in River Water Quality
EGU General Assembly 2024
Vienna, Austria & Online | 14–19 April 2024
Hubig, A., Musolff, A., Wachholz, A., Weitere, M., Shatwell, T., Kumar, R., and Scharfenberger, U. (2024):
Empirical large-scale evidence of algae growth control in rivers: Is total phosphorus control (still) a good management strategy?EGU24-16408
San Francisco, CA & Online | 11-15 December 2023
Fleckenstein, J. et al.: H14G-06 Microplastic Transport in the Hyporheic Zone – A Combined Modeling and Experimental Study
Musolff, A. et al.: H34B-04 Long-term, high-frequency concentration-discharge relationships reveal altering nutrient sources in a headwater catchment affected by forest dieback
Lei, C. et al.: How to Pinpoint Losing Streams across Scales using Stream Gauges?
Tran, V. et al.: A Novel Approach for Constructing A Grid-based Precipitation Dataset with Uncertainty Estimation using Machine Learning
Tran, H. et al.: Medium-range weather forecast using Predictive Recurrent Neural Networks
EGU 2023 - Vienna, Austria & Online
23 – 28 April 2023
Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Chávez García Silva, R., Fleckenstein, J., and Musolff, A.: Similarities and differences in groundwater responses to droughts across Germany (EGU23-6892)
Nogueira, G., Partington, D., and Fleckenstein, J.: Combined Effects of Geological Heterogeneity and Discharge Events on Groundwater and Surface Water Mixing (EGU23-10343)
Heidbüchel, I., Yang, J., and Fleckenstein, J.: Modeling the age of subsurface runoff at the catchment scale – what makes it younger or older? (EGU23-17088)
Heidbüchel, I., Yang, J., and Fleckenstein, J.: The impact of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration on water flux partitioning and transit times at the catchment scale – a modeling study (EGU23-9827)
Kumar, R., Nguyen, T., Sarrazin, F., Ebeling, P., Schmidt, C., Beusen, A., Bouwman, L., Fleckenstein, J., Attinger, S., and Musolff, A.: Towards realizing the EU 2050 Zero Pollution Vision for Nitrogen Export (EGU23-12024)
Nguyen, T., Kumar, R., Ebeling, P., Sarrazin, F., Musolff, A., and
Fleckenstein, J.: How much did the Nitrates Directive contribute to
changes in surface water nitrate concentrations across German
Sarrazin, F., Nguyen, T., Musolff, A., Ebeling, P., Batool, M., Sarker, P., Anpilova, Y., Fleckenstein, J., Attinger, S., and Kumar, R.: Long-term dynamics of nitrogen export from European catchments (EGU23-4144)
Wachholz, A., Dehaspe, J., Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Musolff, A., Saavedra, F., Winter, C., Yang, S., and Graeber, D.: Stoichiometry on the edge - Humans induce strong imbalances of reactive C:N:P ratios in streams (EGU23-13252)
Winter, C., Jawitz, J. W., Cohen, M. J., Ebeling, P., and Musolff, A.: Surprising consistency in event-scale nitrate export patterns across catchments (EGU23-5599)
Schauer, L. S., Jawitz, J. W., Cohen, M. J., and Musolff, A.: Spatial vs temporal variability in German river water quality (EGU23-14138)
AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL & Online | 12-16 December 2022
#AGU22: Science leads the future
Abstracts: Borriero et al. Nguyen et al.
EGU 2022 - Vienna, Austria & Online | 23 - 27 May 2022
Blaurock, Fleckenstein et al. Ledesma, Musolff et al. Saavedra, Musolff et al. Borriero et al. Ebeling et al. Heidbüchel et al. Nguyen et al. Ahmadi et al. Elagami, Ahmadi et al. Nogueira et al. Dichgans et al. Winter et al. Lutz, Musolff et al.
HS10.8 Groundwater-surface water interactions: physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes
AGU Fall Meeting - 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere
#AGU21: Science is Society
Abstracts: Musolff et al. Fleckenstein et al. Winter et al. Ebeling et al. Khurana et al. Wang et al.
EGU 2021 - vEGU21: Gather Online
Session am 28. April, 13:30–15:00 (CEST): Data-driven analysis of water quality to understand solute and particulate export mechanisms in catchments
Abstracts: Dehaspe Nguyen Borriero Heidbüchel Musolff Jiminez-Fernandez Zhang
EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online
Abstracts: Heidbüchel Nguyen Winter
Gordon Conference 2019: Catchment Science (Andover, NH, US)
Abstracts: Dehaspe Ebeling Ehrhardt Fernandez Fleckenstein Heidbüchel Jähkel Lutz Musolff Nogueira Werner
CMWR 2018 (Saint-Malo, France)
Presentation: Heidbüchel
Abstracts: Dupas Fleckenstein Heidbüchel Kolbe Kurz Musolff Werner
Goldschmidt 2015 (Prag, Tschechien)
Abstracts: Kurz Oosterwoud
"Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry" Gordon Research Conference 2015 (Andover, USA)
Abstracts: Musolff Neubauer Oosterwoud Schmidt Trauth