
AGU Fall Meeting 2024

9-13 December 2024, Washington

AGU24. What's next for science?

Poster: Schauer, L.: H31Q - Leveraging Sensor Technologies, Networks, and Tools to Rethink Space-Time Dynamics in River Water Quality

EGU General Assembly 2024

Vienna, Austria & Online | 14–19 April 2024 

Hubig, A., Musolff, A., Wachholz, A., Weitere, M., Shatwell, T., Kumar, R., and Scharfenberger, U. (2024):

Empirical large-scale evidence of algae growth control in rivers: Is total phosphorus control (still) a good management strategy?

EGU 2023 - Vienna, Austria & Online

23 – 28 April 2023

Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Chávez García Silva, R., Fleckenstein, J., and Musolff, A.: Similarities and differences in groundwater responses to droughts across Germany (EGU23-6892)

Nogueira, G., Partington, D., and Fleckenstein, J.: Combined Effects of Geological Heterogeneity and Discharge Events on Groundwater and Surface Water Mixing (EGU23-10343)

Heidbüchel, I., Yang, J., and Fleckenstein, J.: Modeling the age of subsurface runoff at the catchment scale – what makes it younger or older? (EGU23-17088)

Heidbüchel, I., Yang, J., and Fleckenstein, J.: The impact of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration on water flux partitioning and transit times at the catchment scale – a modeling study (EGU23-9827)

Kumar, R., Nguyen, T., Sarrazin, F., Ebeling, P., Schmidt, C., Beusen, A., Bouwman, L., Fleckenstein, J., Attinger, S., and Musolff, A.: Towards realizing the EU 2050 Zero Pollution Vision for Nitrogen Export (EGU23-12024)

Nguyen, T., Kumar, R., Ebeling, P., Sarrazin, F., Musolff, A., and Fleckenstein, J.: How much did the Nitrates Directive contribute to changes in surface water nitrate concentrations across German catchments? (EGU23-3930)

Sarrazin, F., Nguyen, T., Musolff, A., Ebeling, P., Batool, M., Sarker, P., Anpilova, Y., Fleckenstein, J., Attinger, S., and Kumar, R.: Long-term dynamics of nitrogen export from European catchments (EGU23-4144)

Wachholz, A., Dehaspe, J., Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Musolff, A., Saavedra, F., Winter, C., Yang, S., and Graeber, D.: Stoichiometry on the edge - Humans induce strong imbalances of reactive C:N:P ratios in streams (EGU23-13252)

Winter, C., Jawitz, J. W., Cohen, M. J., Ebeling, P., and Musolff, A.: Surprising consistency in event-scale nitrate export patterns across catchments (EGU23-5599)

Schauer, L. S., Jawitz, J. W., Cohen, M. J., and Musolff, A.: Spatial vs temporal variability in German river water quality (EGU23-14138)

AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL & Online | 12-16 December 2022

#AGU22: Science leads the future

Abstracts: Borriero et al. Nguyen et al.

AGU Fall Meeting - 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online Everywhere

#AGU21: Science is Society

Abstracts: Musolff et al. Fleckenstein et al. Winter et al. Ebeling et al. Khurana et al. Wang et al.

First OZCAR TERENO International Conference (Strasbourg, France)  


EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online 

Abstracts: Heidbüchel Nguyen Winter

AGU 2019 (San Francisco, USA) 

Abstracts: Fleckenstein Lutz Nogueira

Gordon Conference 2019: Catchment Science  (Andover, NH, US) 

Posters: Ebeling Ehrhardt Heidbüchel Musolff

CMWR 2018 (Saint-Malo, France) 

Presentation: Heidbüchel

EGU 2018 (Wien, Österreich) 

Abstracts: Boodoo Ghadiri Heidbüchel Lutz Nixdorf Yang

AGU 2017 (New Orleans, USA) 

Abstracts: Dupas Fleckenstein Heidbüchel Kolbe Kurz Musolff Werner

EGU 2017 (Wien, Österreich) 

Abstracts: Dupas Fleckenstein Heidbüchel Kolbe Kumar Mahmood Munz Munz Mader Schmidt Trauth Yang     

EGU 2016 (Wien, Österreich) 

Abstracts: Kurz Kurz Laube Musolff Trauth Altenkirch Blaen Blaen Krause McDonald Selle

AGU 2015 Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA) 

Abstracts:Brandt Trauth Vieweg Arnon Schmadel

Goldschmidt 2015 (Prag, Tschechien)

Abstracts: Kurz Oosterwoud

"Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry" Gordon Research Conference 2015  (Andover, USA)   

EGU 2015 (Wien, Österreich)  

Abstracts:  Musolff Neubauer Oosterwoud Schmidt Trauth

HydroEco 2015 (Wien, Österreich)