Regelmäßig bieten wir Trainings zur Karrieregestaltung und zur individuellen Kompetenzentwicklung an.
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Programm 2025
1. Oktober |
Career Day |
14. Mai |
AI and academic writing: Opportunities, risks and perspectives (tba) Online |
11. April |
Postdoc, and next? Career options, skills and orientation for scientists (Dr. Philipp Gramlich - NaturalScience.Careers) Präsenz Hier findet ihr weitere Informationen und die Anmeldung für interne Mitarbeitende . |
Weitere Informationen folgen bald.
10. & 11. Dezember |
Career Special: Ace the Job Interview: Effective Preparation and Confident Performance (for the Non-Academic Job Market) (Dr. Annika Bartsch) Präsenz |
5. & 6. Dezember 12. & 13. Dezember |
Communicate with Impact: Negotiations, Meetings, Discussions (Dr. Sylvia Löhken) Präsenz & Online |
25. & 26. November 3. & 4. Dezember |
Grant Proposal Writing (Astrid Schmitz) Online |
5. & 6. November |
Mental Clarity Workshop Series Mental Clarity and Decision-Making (Vicent Botella-Soler) In this workshop, we'll explore the cognitive biases that often cloud our judgment and decision-making as academics. You'll learn techniques to clear mental fog, prioritize effectively, and make confident decisions amidst the many choices you face. Date: 5 November 2024 Navigating Uncertainty (Desiree Dickerson) Academic life is filled with unpredictability, from short-term contracts to constant change. This session will provide tools to help you build resilience, manage stress, and navigate the uncertainties of your career with greater confidence. Date: 6 November 2024 |
12. September |
Career Special: How to Write a Persuasive Application for the Non-Academic Job Market (Dr. Matthias Zach) Online |
27. & 28. Juni |
Power Games and Micropolitical Competence in Academia (Veronika Fuest) Online |
23. & 24. April |
Unlocking Creativity: Strategies to Overcome Thinking Blocks (Dr. Georg Adlmaier-Herbst) Online |
19. & 20. Februar |
Tools & Strategies for Decision-Making in Academia (Dr. Desiree Dickerson & Dr. Vicent Botella-Soler ) Online |
15. November & 7. Dezember (Follow-up) |
Done is Better than Perfect. Breaking Free from Perfectionism. (Dimitra Lountzi, Twenty One Skills) UFZ, KUBUS, Saal 1CD/Online |
ab Oktober |
Success Strategies for Women in Academia (Peer Coaching Group) (Dr. Neela Enke) Ein Informationsblatt kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Dates:
In small groups of 4 to 10 participants in 4 sessions Target Group:
Aims: The participants will...
ab Oktober |
Explore your Career Options (Peer Coaching Group) (Dr. Matthias Zach) Ein Informationsblatt kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Dates:
In small groups of 4 to 10 participants in 4 sessions Target Group:
Aims: The participants will...
7. März |
Successful Negotiation According to the Harvard Strategy (Dr. Angelina Topan) UFZ, KUBUS, Saal 2 |
23. März |
Career Day 2023 UFZ, KUBUS |
14., 21. & 28. Februar |
Finding a Job in Germany's Industry (Heidi Störr) Online |
24./25. Oktober |
Bringing Research to the Public: Science Communication (Sina Löschke) |
ab 29. September |
Success Strategies for Women in Academia (Peer Coaching Group) (Dr. Neela Enke) Hier könnt ihr euch ein Informationsblatt zu diesem Coaching herunterladen. Dates:
In small groups of 4 to 10 participants in 4 sessions Target Group:
Aims: The participants will...
ab 8. September |
Career Planning for Experienced Postdocs (Peer Coaching Group) (Dr. Matthias Zach) Hier könnt ihr euch ein Informationsblatt zu diesem Coaching herunterladen. Dates:
In small groups of 4 to 10 participants in 4 sessions Target Group:
Aims: The participants will...
17. Juni |
Career Talks - How to enable your Early Career Scientists to Proactively Manage their Next Career Move (Julie Servoss, Tobias Maier) Date & Time: 17 June, 1:00 – 4:30 pm Aim of the workshop Participants of the workshop will
Topics covered in the workshop include
Working style
18. & 19. Mai |
Teamwork and Leadership in Academia: Multiple Perspectives for Greater Awareness (Dr. Matteo Garavoglia) |
22. April, 20. Mai & 17. Juni |
Career Development for Early-Career Researchers (Group coaching) (Anne Mazuga) |
4. April |
Visualizing Science Projects (Elisabeth Werner) |
22. März | Career Day 2022 |
31. Januar & 7. Februar |
Goodbye Academia? - It has been a Pleasure (Katrin Bodewits) |
13. April |
Karriere im Wissenschaftsmanagement (Dr. Helene Schruff) |
28. Mai |
Power and Communication (Julia Lehnhof) |
1. Juni |
Postdoc Q&A Session: Gaining teaching experience during your postdoc (Prof. Anja Widdig, Dr. Lotte Korell, Dr. Alexander Zizka, Dr. Sara König) Eine Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Zentrum für integrative Biodiversitätsforschung (iDiv) |
30. Juni, 1. Juli |
Finding a Job in Germany´s Industry (Heidi Störr) |
13. Juli & 14. Juli |
ENGAGING the audience - presentation techniques for compelling presentations (Julia Lehnhof) |
30. September |
Balancing cooperation and competition in science (Nina Bessing) |