Sebastian Elze
M. Sc. Geoinformation Science
Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology
Helmholtz- Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

Research interests
- Urban remote sensing
- Monitoring of ecosystem services
Professional career
since 03/2019
10/2016 − 05/2019
Studied Geoinformation Science at University of Jena, Degree M.Sc.
Studied Geography at University of Jena, Degree B.Sc.
2024 (3)
- Banzhaf, E., Bause, I., Helbig, C., Elze, S. (2024):
Personal exposure to environmental pressures in different urban residential structures linking fieldwork and RS mapping
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 17 , 2789 - 2799 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3340418 - Elze, S., Petersen, C., Læssøe, J., Banzhaf, E., Jensen, A., Russel, D., Anderson, S. (2024):
Meeting on the map: Innovative platform for stakeholder learning, dialogue and engagement with nature-based solutions (NbS). REGREEN Policy Brief 12/12
REGREEN - Nature-Based Solutions, 4 pp. 10.5281/zenodo.10732498 - Wu, W., Guo, F., Elze, S., Knopp, J., Banzhaf, E. (2024):
Deciphering the effects of 2D/3D urban morphology on diurnal cooling efficiency of urban green space
Build. Environ. 266 , art. 112047 10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.112047
2022 (2)
- Banzhaf, E., Bulley, H.N., Inkoom, J.N., Elze, S. (2022):
Mapping open data and big data to address climate resilience of urban informal settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa
Climate 10 (12), art. 186 10.3390/cli10120186 - Elze, S., Banzhaf, E. (2022):
High-precision monitoring of urban structures to understand changes in multiple ecosystem services
Urban For. Urban Green. 73 , art. 127616 10.1016/j.ufug.2022.127616
Other Publications
2024 (2)
- Berghöfer, A., Barthen, E., Elze, S., Winter, P., Keye, T., Sharma, S., & Tröger, U. (2024). Landschaftsszenarien für Rothenklempenow 2035. Zenodo.
2023 (2)
- Elze, S., & Banzhaf, E. (2023). How to Design Interactive Walkable Floor Maps - IWF - (Version 1). Zenodo.
- Elze, S., Banzhaf, E., Jensen, A., & Læssøe, J. (2023). Interactive Walkable Floor Maps (IWFs). GI_Salzburg23, Salzburg, Austria. Zenodo.