HIGRADE Certificate and Supplement. Photo: Silvia Voigt

Curriculum & Certificate

After completion of the HIGRADE Curriculum, HIGRADE will issue the HIGRADE Certificate.

In order to complete the HIGRADE Curriculum outlined in the figure below, doctoral researchers can choose freely from UFZ courses and external courses, including those offered by HIGRADE cooperation partners, according to their individual needs.

We encourage doctoral researchers to develop their individual course plan together with their advisory committee according to the skills needed for the PhD project and envisioned career perspectives. Below, please find the requirements of the HIGRADE Curriculum.

HIGRADE Curriculum from 2023

HIGRADE Special Topics

HIGRADE Curriculum 2018-22

Curriculum from 2023

HIGRADE requires the completion of 3 mandatory courses: 1. Doing your PhD: as introductory course for new doctoral researchers within the first six months. 2. Good Scientific Practice: to understand and apply the standards of research integrity within the first year. 3. Finish Your PhD & Go On: to support the second phase of the PhD with a focus on dissertation and career.
The doctoral researcher has to take part in the UFZ graduate school HIGRADE and complete the programme of courses and further training activities – recommended 5 to 10 days per year in addition to the mandatory courses.


Download HIGRADE Curriculum from 2023 HIGRADE Curriculum from 2023

Topic months: monthly changing topic blocks in the newly introduced curriculum (start 1.1.2023) enable a coordination between scientific project work and the HIGRADE course offering with long-term planning capability for doctoral researchers.

The images below give an overview of the new course structure.

How to register for courses

HIGRADE_monthly programme HIGRADE_monthly programme_details

HIGRADE special topics

We invite all UFZ scientists, i.e. also doctoral researchers, to co-organise trainings tailored to your needs in the form of "special topic" courses & events! 

What are special topics?

  • target group: open for all UFZ doctoral researchers (no “department event“) >min. expected no. of participants: best 10 or more, absolute minimum: 5 doctoral researchers
  • organiser: primarily UFZ scientists, i.e. postdocs, doctoral researchers, also HIGRADE
  • format: courses and events
  • time slots: January, May, July, December (can vary)
  • topics: scientific topics, further training and career, networking
How to organise a special topic?
Contact HIGRADE at least 3 months in advance & submit draft of the programme/description, potential costs + list of people interested in the topic. --> After that, we check to what extent it is feasible.

    Other training offers

    Other courses (and events) for doctoral researchers besides HIGRADE are provided by the UFZ Further Education Programme and by external partners & institutions.

    Curriculum 2018-22

    The requirements of the HIGRADE Curriculum is currently 20 days of further education to be completed within 3 years for all doctoral researchers who started their PhD project after/on 1.1.2018.

    Download HIGRADE Curriculum 2018-22 HIGRADE_curriculum_table