This is our HIGRADE team - we have an "open door policy", so please feel free to come by or contact the person in charge via email/phone with related questions!

The graduate school is part of the department People & Culture, including other services like e.g. International Office, Family Support Office etc. more info (internal)

Team coordination - curriculum, consultations

Photo: Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ

Dr. Daniel Kaping

phone: +49 341 6025 1856

Coordination - reporting, certificates, consultations

Photo: Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ

Dr. Claudia Dislich

phone: +49 341 6025 2233

PhD support, course & event management

Photo: Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ

Verena Lingnau

phone: +49 341 6025 1843

Statistics support (also for postdocs)

Photo: Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ

Dr. Ulrike Schlägel

Office: 035, Building 1.0

phone: +49 341 6025 1689


Graduate School HIGRADE
People & Culture
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

HIGRADE Office: Room 240 (Building 1, UFZ Leipzig)