However, certain aspects
of training can be supported through our format of special topics, see more information here
Selected External Funding Options
The Department of Research Funding (FOR) actively supports all UFZ staff in seeking external funding. A list with funding options open to UFZ is available in the UFZ Intranet .
- DAAD scholarships for conferences
- DAAD scholarships for research stays
- DAAD: other scholarships
- Further training in Saxony, supported by Sächsische Aufbaubank: "Förderung von beruflichen Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen"
- Going abroad during your PhD: feel free to contact the International Office of your university for exchange programmes and funding!
- Funding at the end of your PhD: note that several universities offer scholarships for the final stage of your thesis.
- Funding for international conferences for doctoral researchers at Leipzig University
- Joachim Herz Stiftung
- GEO scholarship (stay abroad)
- Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (biomedical lab work)
- FAZIT Stiftung (stay abroad)
- Bayer Foundations Fellowshop Program
- e-fellows
- StipendiumPlus
- for conferences: PLOS ONE Early Career Researcher Travel Awards in the Physical Sciences
- Financial Support for your Open Access publications - affiliation to Leipzig University required