Program Partners
Phase I of the DFG priority program SPP 2089 started in September 2018 and will run until September 2021. In 25 projects based at 18 institutions about 40 principal investigators and 7 PostDocs, supervising 20 PhD students, attempt to unravel the spatial and temporal organization of the rhizosphere. In addition, numerous scientist are affiliated with the program. Our network activities encourage interested scientist at all levels to share their knowledge and experiences with the program.
- P1 - Coordination - UFZ Halle
- P2 - Z-Project - UFZ Halle
- P3 - Plant Water - TU Munich - ETH Zürich - Forschungszentrum Jülich
- P4 - Liquid Rhizosphere - ETH Zürich - Uni Bayreuth - UFZ Halle
- P5 - MUCI-WETT-PATT - Uni Landau
- P6 - Drought Cycles - Uni Hohenheim
- P7 - Rhizo Transport - TU Munich
- P8 - Root Genes - UFZ Halle
- P9 - LCM-Rhizomics - Uni Bonn
- P10 - MoleBIRD - UFZ Leipzig
- P11 - Exudate Dynamics - BOKU Wien
- P12 - Rhizopattern - Uni Kiel
- P13 - Kinetics & Microzymography - UFZ Halle
- P14 - Protist Microbiota - Uni Köln
- P15 - Mycorrhizosphere - Uni Köln
- P16 - Rhizosphere Microbiome - JKI Braunschweig
- P17 - Microbial networks - Thünen Institute Braunschweig
- P18 - Carbon Allocation & Microbiota - Uni Bonn - Forschungszentrum Jülich
- P19 - Rhizosoil Aggregation - University of Copenhagen - TU Munich
- P20 - Biochemical Gradients - UFZ Leipzig
- P21 - Dynamics & Structure - UFZ Halle - Uni Halle
- P22 - Biogeochemical Gradients - Uni Bonn - Uni Bayreuth
- P23 - Physics & Mechanics - Leibniz University Hannover
- P24 - Rhizosphere Modelling - Forschungszentrum Jülich - Uni Stuttgart
- P25 - Multiscale Modeling - Uni Erlangen
- P26 - Spatiotemporal root patterns -Uni Ulm
- P27 - Plant water uptake - TU Munich - ZALF