Photo: Pixabay CC0


PhD-Teams are registered groups of five or more doctoral researchers, with members from at least two departments, who focus on a self-chosen topic (with relevance for doing a PhD, e.g. paper writing, teaching, career planning, scientific methods, etc.) and have regular self-organized meetings.

Registered groups which meet regularly and inform HIGRADE about their activities can receive financial support to organize events, workshops with external trainers, etc.

The current list of existing PhD-Teams and more information can be found via the UFZ Intranet ( Link ).


PhD-Team event "The Titanic problem of climate change - Looking beyond the tip of the iceberg" - A lecture featured by your “Blackboard & Chalk – Learn 2 become 1 Teacher” PhD team. / 12.11.2019

Congrats to our PhD team on doing a great job giving an interactive lecture on climate change and thanks to all participants for actively contributing to this event!

Photo: Verena Schaller/UFZ