Data Management

Because of the distributed and heterogeneous nature of the MOSES facility, a distributed data management architecture was developed, in which the participating institutions act as data providers. The mandatory data policy regulates the sharing of data and facilitates their open access according to the FAIR principles. During the implementation period, a campaign oriented data management plan tool (DMP-tool) and a data discovery portal were developed. The DMPs record responsibilities along with data volumes and formates, processing steps and data flows of the individual campaigns. Selected metadata are then automatically transferred to the MOSES Data Discovery Portal that provides general information on campaigns, equipment and collected data.

MOSES-Datamanagement-Architecture MOSES data management architecture as developed in the implementation period. In this decentralised data network, the actual measurement data is held in the individual data management systems of the centres. The DMP-tool enables the automated transfer of the campaign- and sensor-metadata to the MOSES metadata portal.

With the establishment of the Datahub in the Helmholtz research field "Earth and Environment", the further development of the DMP-tool into a more general Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) is under way. The MOSES metadata portal is being migrated to the new and overarching "Earth Data Portal".