Mental health talk

Online Talk: Mindfulness and meditation for scientists: How nature can help us

29 November, 12:30-13:30, online

The doctoral and postdoctoral phase is an exciting but also challenging time. Young scientists invest a lot of time, energy and passion in their project. But sometimes the work-life balance gets out of control. It is therefore important that young scientists reflect on their own stress response & develop suitable coping strategies. A powerful tool that can help with this is nature: Studies have shown that spending time in nature can have profound positive effects on well-being and reduce stress.

This talk gives an introduction and overview on:
• Mental health in science: Overview on the scientific evidence
• The power of nature: How time outdoors can help alleviate stress and promote well-being
• Combining mindfulness practices & nature: Forest bathing
All participants will get access to the self-study online course “Take a break from the lab”. The online course includes instructions and audio files for self-guided mindfulness practices in nature.

Dr. Iris Köhler is a certified forest bathing guide (Waldgesundheitstrainerin, Kneipp Ärztebund e.V. & Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research, LMU München, 2020), a mental health first aider (Mental Health First Aid – Ersthelfer psychische Gesundheit, Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim, 2021) and has been practicing meditation since 2019.

Registration by 25 November

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Previous talks

03 November 2023, 12:30-13:30 “Mindfulnesss and meditation for scientists: How to become more resilient” – online talk and discussion presented by Dr. Iris Köhler.

The doctoral and postdoctoral phase is an exciting but also challenging time. Young scientists invest a lot of time, energy and passion in their project. But sometimes the work-life balance gets out of control. Constant stress, lack of rest, intrinsic stress amplifiers and external pressures can lead to reduced performance and health problems in the long term. Recent studies have shown that young scientists are at a special risk of developing mental health problems like e.g. depression and anxiety. It is therefore important that young scientists reflect on their own stress response, develop suitable coping strategies and increase their resilience.

This talk gives an introduction and overview on:

  • Mental health in science: Overview on the scientific evidence
  • Stress: What is it and how to deal with it in a healthy way?
  • Resilience: What is it and what can we do to become more resilient?
  • Using Mindfulness & Meditation to reduce stress and to become more resilient

26 January 2023, 10-11 am “Mental Health Literacy – an Introduction” – online talk and discussion presented by Dragonfly Mental Health

There are many misconceptions about psychiatric disease, what causes it, who is at risk, and how it manifests. Increasingly we are understanding how immense a problem this is within academia. This talk includes information about the prevalence of mental health illness in general and academic populations, an overview of signs and symptoms highlighting those seen in academic settings, and the science underlying the causes and treatments of mental illnesses. Join us for a talk and discussion among doctoral researchers at UFZ.