Profile of HIGRADE participants

profile_photo_Aisha Abdul Waris
Name: Aisha Abdul Waris (Pakistan)

Technical Biogeochemistry

Flag Pakistan
Research topic

BioTrap-Identification and Localization of Particulate Urban-Originating material trapped by plants.

At UFZ since

October 2021

How did you learn about the UFZ?

I learnt about it from Prof. Hans Hermann Richnow from ISOBIO department at UFZ. His popular name in my research area made me search about him, thus I came to know about UFZ.

Why did you come to the UFZ?

Because UFZ is a well-reputed organization in terms of its research findings and progress over the years. I always wanted to be a part of this kind of fine scientific community, so I chose this place for my PhD.

What do you like about the city you live in?

Leipzig is a nice city overall. Its calm vibe goes so well with my liking, so I really love it.

How do you like it at the UFZ / in HIGRADE?

UFZ is a multinational organization, and that, in my opinion, is the best thing about it. I meet so many new people, and each one coming from totally different background. I also like that I am able to keep a work-life balance while working here. It's simply great!

Personal information ("what else to do", etc.)

I am also a Level 1 seller on Fiverr :)


My daughter & husband, cooking, and reading!