Profile of HIGRADE participants

profile_photo_Faluku Nakulopa
Name: Faluku Nakulopa (Uganda)

Department Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis

Flag Uganda
Research topic

Solutions for existing and future challenges in water governance

At UFZ since

October 2021

How did you learn about the UFZ?

Actually, I did not know UFZ until I landed on the inventWater project advert which was shared by my former professor on Twitter.

Why did you come to the UFZ?

I loved the research topic and EU Innovative Training Network (ITN) project under which it was advertised. On researching about UFZ, I was convinced it would be the right place to join.

What do you like about the city you live in?

Magdeburg is a pretty green and quiet city. I love the quiet bit more.

How do you like it at the UFZ / in HIGRADE?

Super. It is an amazing institute to work at. Everyone is so supportive. I treasure the liberty to work independently and yet get the support and guidance you need at any time.

Your own links (e.g. homepage, publications)


Nature walks. Jogging. A bit of gym. Me time