Profile of HIGRADE participants

Name: Mohit Anand (India)
Compound Environmental Risks

Research topic
Understanding drivers relationship for forest mortality using interpretable deep learning - A compound event perspective
November 2020
I started looking for a PhD in the second year of my MSc, then I stumbled across the work of my current supervisor. I came to know that he is starting a new group at UFZ.
The moore I learned about UFZ, the more I liked it. One of the strongest being, it's not easy to find one place where more than 300 people are doing PhD in environmental research at one place. This provides a lot of collaboration opportunity within UFZ as well. Leipzig is a wonderful city to live in.
First 5 months of my PhD was during the lockdown, but still I like the vibe of the city. Now everything is open and Leipzig is a lively city. It's an amazing city for biking.
I have had an amazing time at UFZ/in HIGRADE so far. Whenever you reach out to them you always get a positive reply. I have been taking so many courses inside/outside UFZ, and they help a lot in career development as well.
Mostly while I am training my deep learning model you can find me biking, playing video games, listening to music. I also really enjoy learning about new technologies.