EASyQuart Team


Anke Bucher

Prof. Dr-Ing. Anke Bucher

Anke is Professor for Applied Mechanics at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, HTWK. She is the PI of the project.

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katrin lubashevsky

B. Sc. Katrin Lubashevsky

Katrin is a master’s degree student of mathematics at Chemnitz Universitiy of Technology. For the project she works as a scientific assistant at HTWK and is responsible for the theoretical backround of the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.

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jaokob randow

M. Eng. Jakob Randow

Jakob studied mechanical engineering at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, HTWK. He works in the project management and supports the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.

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simon richter

B. Eng. Simon Richter

Simon Richter is a mechanical engineer and works on EASyQuart as scientific assistant at the HTWK. He uses OpenGeoSys for numerical simulations (FEM) to achieve sensitivity and uncertainty analysis results.

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Stephan Schönfelder

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Schönfelder

Stephan Schönfelder is professor for the simulation of energetic and technical systems at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences. He is the head of building technology and building simulation in EASyQuart.

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Paul Satke

M. Eng. Paul Satke

Paul Satke is a mechanical engineer and works as a scientific assistant at the HTWK on the energy needs analysis for the EASyQuart project. With the help of suitable software such as SimulationX, he creates representative load profiles for different types of buildings in urban areas.

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 geoENERGIE Konzept GmbH Team

rüdiger grimm

Dipl.-Geol. Rüdiger Grimm

Rüdiger Grimm is the owner and managing director of geoENERGIE Konzept GmbH, which was founded in 2007. His tasks in the project include participating in the creation of strategies, the information and decision support system and the coordination of data acquisition. In addition, he provides impulses for all content-related work packages and contributes to the transfer of results via various channels.

Konstanze Zschoke

M.Sc. Konstanze Zschoke

Konstanze Zschoke, Head of R&D, works as project manager and coordinates the tasks of the project staff. She works on the contributions to the definition of load profiles for different building types as well as the development and parameterization of numerical models of usage options for heating / cooling based on this. Another area of ​​responsibility is the formulation of proposals for adapting dimensioning procedures and regulatory framework conditions for the use of near-surface geothermal resources.

Steve Thiel

Dipl.-Hydrol. Steve Thiel

Steve Thiel, project assistant, participates in the implementation of simulation calculations and sensitivity studies. He contributes to the identification of the current state of geological and geophysical exploration during construction as well as monitoring during the operation of large-scale near-surface geothermal systems. He is also involved in the formulation of the resulting requirements for technologies and processes for in-situ measurements and monitoring.

Danilo Berrios

Dipl.-Geol. Danilo Berrios Amador

Danilo Berrios, project assistant, is in charge of the technical preparation, implementation and post-processing of site work for in-situ exploration for model parameterization and validation as well as for impact monitoring at planned demonstration sites.

UFZ Team

Karsten Rink

Dr. Karsten Rink

Karsten Rink holds a PhD in Computer Science with specialisation in Visual Computing. In this project, he does pre- and postprocessing of both input data and simulation results, data integration, and visualisation.

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Haibing Shao

Dr. Haibing Shao

Haibing Shao is a staff scientist and leading the research group Geothermal System Analysis in the Department of Environmental Informatics at the UFZ. For the project he is coordinating the development new features in OpenGeoSys software.

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Shuang Chen

M.Sc. Shuang Chen

Shuang is doing his PhD of environmental sciences in the Dresden University of Technology. In this project he is working on the pipe network feature in OpenGeoSys and simulating large borehole heat exchanger field.

Nele Hastreiter

M.Sc. Nele Hastreiter

Nele holds a master's degree in geological science from the Freie Universität Berlin and is focused on hydrogeology. In the project she works in the department MET at UFZ on the development of innovative monitoring and exploration strategies for the geothermal district development.

Uwe Görke

Dr. Uwe-Jens Görke

Uwe is senior scientists with the UFZ, his background is in theoretical mechanics. He has very successfully applied to and coordinated several third-party funded projects including EASyQuart and the WIR! initiative RegioZukunft:Wärme.

Thomas Vienken
Foto: Studioline Photography

Prof. Dr. Thomas Vienken

Thomas is leading the working group Direct Push and Hydrogeological Measurement Methods at the UFZ Department Monitoring and Exploration Technologies and is Professor for Geothermal Energy at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences at the TU Munich Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability. With his expertise in the development and evaluation of subsurface investigation tools and strategies, Thomas contributes to the innovative geothermal site investigation and ground/groundwater temperature monitoring tasks.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf Kolditz

Olaf is heading the Department of Environmental Informatics at the UFZ and a professor for Applied Environmental Systems Analysis with the Technische Universität Dresden. He is the PI of the UFZ's Team.

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