Working groups

Isotop tracer group


Prof. Dr. Kay Knöller

Phone: +49 341 6025 4444

Focus: Determination of drivers of water, nutrient, and contaminant fluxes in catchments

The research encompasses the delineation of nutrient and contaminant sources as well as the recognition and quantification of biogeochemical matter transformations in surface and subsurface catchments across scales by means of stable isotope methods. Natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in concert with stable isotopes of the water molecule are utilized to provide information on water flow paths, on water travel and residence times, and on water exchange between different hydrological compartments for the implementation in conceptual hydrological, hydrogeological and reactive transport models.

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Groundwater systems

Hydro-Facies Model Saudi Arabia

Dr. habil. Christian Siebert

Phone: +49 3455585211

The research of the working group is focused on the quantitative and qualitative assessment of groundwater resources. The aim is to define the actual state and possible development of water resources in Germany and beyond in the European and semi-arid regions. The use of multidisciplinary monitoring technologies and combined modeling tools is in the foreground of the activities.

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Watershed Dynamics & Hydrological Extremes


Dr. Larisa Tarasova

Phone: +49 3455585481

In the WaterExtremes group we develop effective process-informed data-driven methods grounded in comprehensive perceptual representation of dominant hydrological dynamics and catchment organization to leverage the increasing sample sizes of hydrometeorological observations from small- to mesoscales. With these methods we uncover regularities in complex hydrological systems to understand better the emergence of extremes and provide more reliable predictions at large scales.

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