Work package 7: Synthesis
WP7 bundles the communication of the central results of individual APs and the junior research group as a whole to stakeholders and the interested public (e.g. in the form of policy briefs and workshops). Here, above all, research results are to be actively discussed with stakeholders throughout the entire project duration and tested for their practical relevance. It is also important to communicate the results of the research project to younger generations, as the transformation of agriculture is a long-term, intergenerational process. Therefore, a school project will be carried out in which pupils are creatively introduced to the topic.
Furthermore, WP7 will combine the results from the individual APs, especially those of the agent-based model (WP6) with those of the optimization (WP3), in order to evaluate scenarios that minimize trade-offs. In addition, possibilities for generalisation and transferability of the results to other structurally similar agricultural landscapes will be investigated. Extensive sensitivity analyses will play a central role to find out to what extent the modelling results depend on factors typical/specific for the case study region. Finally, recommendations for action and policy will be formulated, combining the knowledge generated in the context of the modelling work with the practical knowledge of the stakeholders. A special focus is placed on insights regarding appropriate policy options, also beyond the case study area.