yDiv/HIGRADE Course 2016 "Meta-analysis in Biology and Environmental Science". Photo: Verena Schaller/UFZ Leipzig

UFZ Courses

You can browse courses organised by HIGRADE and the Department People & Culture at UFZ through our UFZ courses portal (UFZ Learning & Development).

Please note

  • The current conditions of participation apply.
  • Please read the course description including requirements before applying & consider registrations as binding!
  • For your long-term course planning, please find our regular "topic months" here.

Registration for courses via UFZ Learning & Development:

  • for UFZ doctoral researchers/employees: Course Programme (access to UFZ Intranet or VPN required!)
  • for cooperation partners and external guests here

If you cannot find the training that you need in the UFZ course programme, you have some more alternatives:

  • co-organise a " special topic " for more doctoral researchers at UFZ
  • have a look at course offers for UFZ PhDs outside UFZ listed under external courses.

For related questions feel free to contact higrade@ufz.de