Task 1 - Butterfly Monitoring and Citizen Science
Lead: UKCEH. Contributors: BCE (including its network partners across Europe), Regional co-ordinators, University of Reading, De Vlinderstichting, and UK Butterfly Conservation
Task 1.1 - Expanding eBMS
Aim: Complete coverage of European Butterfly Monitoring Schemes as an eBMS partnership in all EU member states
- Establish a BMS in EU countries where it is not yet established
- Priority support 6 countries: Denmark, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia
- Support and develop a unified, sustainable and cost-effective European butterfly monitoring network
- 10 ABLE countries: Starting BMS & Fledgling BMS
- General support
Task 1.2 – Build up Citizen Science networks on pollinators
The prioritization of EU countries for strengthening citizen science networks on pollinators, avenues to engage relevant actors, especially in countries with low or non citizen science capacity.
Expected results
- Work with key NGOs, citizen science organizations and partnerships with a European (e.g. the European Citizen Science Association) or global (e.g. the Citizen Science Association) focus.
- Draw upon our collective experience of citizen science approaches, with particular focus on projects assessing pollinating insects and pollination
- Provide an assessment of the capacity of citizen science networks in EU countries: particular attention current unevenness in citizen science and generally weaker current capacity in Eastern and Southern Europe.
- Prepare and execute plan of capacity-building activities, target 15 countries