Project Partners and Coordination

Chair for Public Law, esp. Environmental Law and European Law
Managing Director of the Institute for Public Law
Freie Universität Berlin
Boltzmannstr. 3, 14195 Berlin
+49 (0)30 838 51456; Secretary:

Website Lehrstuhl Prof. C. Calliess

Christian Calliess is professor for public, environmental and European law at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Before, he held chairs at the universities of Graz (Austria) and Göttingen. From 2015 to 2018, he was on leave from academia in order to work as legal adviser to the European Political Strategy Center (EPSC), the in-house think tank of the President of the European Commission.
Christian studied law at the universities of Saarbrücken, Göttingen and (postgraduate) the College of Europe in Bruges. In 1995, he completed his second state examination in Berlin and obtained his doctoral degree at the University of Saarbrücken with a thesis on the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity in EU law applied (among others) to environmental policy. Afterwords, he joined the Europa-Institut in Saarbrücken as an assistant professor. In 2000, he finished his habilitation with a study on the rule of law, environmental law, the precautionary principle and fundamental rights (‘Rechtsstaat und Umweltstaat‘), which was awarded a prize by the German Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht (GfU).
In 2008, Christian was appointed a member of the Advisory Council on the Environment of the Federal Government of Germany (SRU). In 2013, he became a member of the Club of Rome, German branch. From 2010 to 2012 he served as an adjoined judge at the High Administrative Court (Oberverwaltungsgericht) of Berlin-Brandenburg in the senate responsible for environmental law. In 2011/12, he was invited by the German Chancellor as an expert to participate in the working group on a sustainable economy (‘Green Deal‘) that was part of the dialogue on the future of Germany. He is co-editor of the ‘Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht’ (ZUR) and co-editor of the ’Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law’ (JEEPL).

Chair for Public Law, History of European Public Law
and Administrative Sciences
Faculty of Legal Science, University of Osnabrück
Heger-Tor-Wall 14
49078 Osnabrück
+49 541 / 969-6099

Website Lehrstuhl Prof. P. Cancik

Pascale M. Cancik is a professor of public law at the University of Osnabrück and member of the Institute of Local Government Law and Public Administration. She did her doctorate in Tübingen (2000) and her habilitation (‘Verwaltung und Öffentlichkeit in Preußen‘, 2006) in Frankfurt/Main. She is currently a member of the board of the Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer and a member of the advisory council of the Stiftung Forum Recht. She was a fellow of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Kolleg in Konstanz (2014/5) and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (2017/8) with her project: history of bureaucracy critique. Her experience in environmental law includes her time as a lawyer with Bruckhaus law firm (planning, environmental, regulation—1997/2000). Her research in fields like waste management, environmental noise and air quality focuses on implementation and governance aspects. Apart from environmental law, her main research fields are: constitutional law and democracy; the history of public law and administration.

Chair for Public Law,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Adenauerallee 24-42
D-53113 Bonn, Germany

Website Lehrstuhl Prof. W. Durner

Wolfgang Durner (*1967) is professor for public law at the University of Bonn and director of the Bonn-based Institute for Water Law. He studied law and political science at the universities of Würzburg, Berlin and Munich and holds PhD-degrees in both subjects. After his first state examination, he obtained a Master of Laws at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Having completed his second state examination in 1996, he worked for the Independent Expert Commission on the Environmental Code set up by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and Nuclear Safety. 1997/98 he served as a fellow at Stanford University’s Institute for International Studies. From 1999, he practiced a couple of years as an attorney at law giving advice on large infrastructure projects. After having completed his ’habilitation‘ and after having taught as a Visiting Professor at Freie Universität Berlin and the Munich School of Public Policy, he became a full professor of law in Bonn in 2006. Wolfgang is co-editor of several law journals and member of various panels, committees and working groups on environmental and infrastructure law.

Chair for Public Law, esp. Environmental and Planning Law
University of Leipzig, Faculty of Law
Burgstr. 21,
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Website Lehrstuhl Prof. K. Faßbender

Kurt Faßbender is professor for public law, especially environmental and planning law and Executive Director of the Institute for Environmental and Planning Law (Institut für Umwelt- und Planungsrecht—IUPR) at Leipzig University.
After his law degree at the University of Trier, Kurt became a senior research fellow at the former Institute of Environmental and Technical Law at the University of Trier and hereafter at the Institute of Public Law at the University of Bonn. After the second state examination, he earned his doctorate (Dr. iur.). In 2006, he finished his habilitation at the University of Bonn and received the venia legendi for constitutional and administrative law, European law and public international law.
Kurt conducts research and consultancy in diverse fields of environmental and planning law, in particular: water management, land-use planning, various infrastructures and renewable energies. He is member of the editorial board of the ‘Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht‘ (EurUP) and of the ‘Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wasser-, Abwasser und Bodenschutzrecht (W+B)‘.

Universität Bremen
Faculty of Legal Sciences
Universitätsallee, GW1
28359 Bremen, Germany
+49 (0)421 218-66100

Website Lehrstuhl Prof. C. Franzius

Claudio Franzius is professor at the University of Bremen and Director of the Research Center for European Environmental Law. He studied social anthropology, political science and law in Frankfurt, Montpellier and Berlin, did his doctorate as well as his habilitation at the HU Berlin (‘Enabling Law: Basics of a European Regulatory Model of Public Services”, Mohr Siebeck 2009). Since 2016, he has been teaching and researching at the University of Bremen, where he currently leads a project on ‘Transnational Climate Protection Law’ funded by the German Research Foundation. Claudio is deputy dean of the law department and deputy chairman of the Association for Infrastructure Law. In addition to environmental and climate law, his research focuses on European constitutional law, general administrative law and the foundations of law.

Chair for Public Law, esp. Administrative and Environmental Law
Greifswald University
Domstraße 20a
17489 Greifswald
+49 3834 420 21 00

Website Lehrstuhl Prof. S. Schlacke

Sabine Schlacke is professor of Public Law with a focus on administrative and environmental law at Greifswald University. She is Executive Director of the Institute for Energy, Environmental and Maritime Law (IfEUS) at the same university, as well as Executive Director of the Central Institute for Spatial Planning at Münster University.
She finished her law studies in Göttingen and Lausanne (Switzerland) in 1993 (first state examination) and completed her doctorate (Dr. iur.) at Bremen University in 1997. After her second state examination in 2000, she qualified as an university professor at Rostock University. During this period, she was a visiting scholar at Duke University, School of Law. She attained a full professorship of public law at Bremen University in 2008, where she taught until 2013, when she was offered a professorship at Münster University. Her main research fields are environmental and planning law, climate change law and administrative law at the international, European and German level.
Sabine is a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change since 2008 and became its co-chair in 2016. The German Advisory Council on Global Change provides the German Federal Government with policy recommendations. Since 2015, she is a member of the German expert group on Swiss repositories appointed by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. In 2019, she started consulting the German Federal Government also as co-chair of the steering committee of the ’Climate Protection Science Platform‘, a body designed to advise and monitor the implementation of climate change policies. Furthermore, she is editor of the ‘Journal of Environmental Law’ and vice-chair of the German Association for Environmental Law. In addition to her research and teaching activities, she is also Vice-President of the State Constitutional Court of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.

Department for Environmental and Planning Law
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig
+49 341 6025 1064/ + 49 421 2186 6103

Website UFZ PD Dr. Till Markus

Till Markus is the Deputy Head of the Department of Environmental and Planning Law at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig since April 2024. He has also been a Privatdozent at the Department of Law at the University of Bremen since February 2020. Additionally, he is Co-Chief Editor of the Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (Journal  of Environmental Law, ZUR) and Editor of the International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy (Springer). Till studied law at the University of Hannover from 1996 to 2000, followed by an LL.M. in International Business & Trade Law at the University of Rotterdam in 2001/02. He completed a legal clerkship in Hannover, Washington D.C., and Hildesheim from 2003 to 2005. He earned his doctorate at the University of Bremen with a dissertation on European Fisheries Law in 2008. He then held a postdoctoral position at the University of Bremen and the MARUM Excellence Cluster from 2008 to 2012. Till completed his Habilitation at the University of Bremen in January 2020, with a thesis on comparative law in international law. He has published and taught extensively in different areas of international and European Union law, environmental law, the law of the sea, comparative law and legal theory.

Department for Environmental and Planning Law
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig
+49 341 235 1987

Website UFZ Dr. Moritz Reese

Moritz Reese is Head of the Department for Environmental and Planning Law at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig since April 2024. He is also a lecturer in environmental law at the Faculty of Law at Leipzig University and at the Faculty of Law at Freie Universität Berlin. His areas of research include European and national environmental law with a focus on water law, circular economy law, climate adaptation law, nature conservation law, immission control law and urban and infrastructure planning law. He also researches the foundations of environmental law and overarching legal aspects of the sustainability transformation. Moritz Reese is also Chair of the European Environmental Law Form (EELF), co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (NOMOS) and co-editor of the Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law (JEEPL).

Department for Environmental and Planning Law
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig
+49 341 6025 1729

Website UFZ Dr. Romina Schaller

Romina Schaller is a postdoctoral researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Environmental and Planning Law (Germany), where she focuses on international and European environmental law in the fields of climate change mitigation (e.g. forest protection through REDD+) as well as on ecosystem services and sustainable development. Her current research explores the legal aspects for the regulation of carbon dioxide removal technologies (CDR) and the emerging challenges linked to their governance.

International Competence Partners (complimentary)

University of Copenhagen,
Rolighedsvej 25, 1958 Frb. C, Denmark


Helle Tegner Anker is professor of law at the Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen University. She specializes in planning law, nature conservation law, water law and other environmental law issues at the EU as well as national level. Helle is the coordinator of the Nordic Environmental Law Network.

University of Coimbra
Instituto Jurídico da Faculdade de Direito
Colégio da Trindade | 3000-018 Coimbra, Portugal


Maria Alexandra de Sousa Aragão is professor of environmental law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, where she is Vice Director of the Portuguese Review on planning law, urban law and environmental law. She is member of the Avosetta group of experts in European Environmental Law since 2003, Portuguese representative at the Observatoire juridique européen du Réseau Natura 2000 and at the Observatoire juridique européen des eaux since its creation and member of the Advisory Board of the European Environmental Law Forum. Her publications—in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and Italian—cover different topics of environmental law, from EIA to waste but have a particular focus on the fundamental principles of environmental law.

Utrecht Universität, Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid
Newtonlaan, Newtonlaan 201
3584 BH UTRECHT, The Netherlands


Chris Backes teaches and does research in the area of international, European and Dutch environmental and planning law (amongst which nature protection law, waste law and air quality law). He regularly conducts comparative studies. More especially, he is interested in how law can support the transition to a more sustainable use of the environment.

Université Catholique de Louvain
Faculté de droit et de criminologie
Place Montesquieu 2/L2.07.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve , Belgium


Charles-Hubert Born is a doctor of laws at the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (Belgium), has a degree in biology and graduated in environmental management science. He is professor at UCL, where he holds courses in public law and land use planning law. He is member of the Seminary of Environmental and Land Use Planning Law (SERES) of the Faculty of Law and of the Biodiversity Research Centre (BDIV) at UCL. His research focuses i.a. on biodiversity conservation law. He is a consultant of Belgian public authorities for various nature conservation legislation reforms. He also works as a lawyer, practicing in the Bar of Nivelles in land use planning and environmental fields. He is member of several environmental lawyers networks, among which the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law (CEL). He has published various books and articles in planning law and the environment and especially on biodiversity conservation law. Charles-Hubert Born has gained a good experience as consultant and researcher for biodiversity law studies through his scientific work, including in multidisciplinary teams, and his lawyer career.

University of Auckland, Neuseeland
1-11 Short Street - Bldg 810
1-11 Short St, Auckland 1010, New Zealand                                                                                                    


Klaus Bosselmann has been teaching in the areas of public international law, European law, global environmental law and governance, and environmental constitutionalism. His research focus is on conceptual, international and comparative dimensions of environmental law and governance. He is particularly interested in ecological approaches to law and governance. Klaus has been the Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law since its establishment in 1999. He is Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) Ethics Specialist Group, Chair of the Steering Committee of the Ecological Law and Governance Association (ELGA), Co-Chair of the Global Ecological Integrity Group (GEIG), and executive member of several other professional networks including Sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand (SANZ) and the New Zealand Centre of Global Studies (NZCGS). Klaus has authored or edited 30 books on environmental law and political ecology, a number of which have been translated into multiple languages; his articles appeared in many of the world’s leading law journals. For his pioneering work on ecological law, he has received numerous awards including the Inaugural Senior Scholarship Prize of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law.

Uppsala Universitet, Juridiska Institutionen,
Munken 1, Trädgårdsgatan 20
75309 Uppsala
Box 512, 751 20 UPPSALA, Sweden                                                                                                             


Jan Darpö is professor of environmental law. His research focuses on environmental procedure, water law and nature conservation. He was visiting professor at the University of Minnesota (2008) and UNSW in Sydney (2012). Since 2008, he is chair of the Task Force on Access to Justice under the Aarhus Convention. He is a member of the Avosetta Group and EELFs Advisory Board. He has been assigned as an expert by the Commission and several research institutes.

Opole University
Law-office: Pl. Solny 16, 50-062 Wrocław, Poland


Jerzy Jendroska is managing partner at Jendrośka Jerzmański Bar and Partners—Environmental Lawyers (JJB) and adjunct professor and Director of European environmental law post-graduate studies at Opole University. He obtained his Master of Laws from Wroclaw University and PhD from the Institute of Law at the Polish Academy of Sciences. He also received a Diploma in International Law from the Vienna University Summer School. He served as an arbitrator at the Permanent Court of Arbitrage in the Hague and as a member the Implementation Committee of the Espoo Convention and a member of the Aarhus Compliance Committee. In Poland, he served as Vice-Chair of the State GMO Commission, member of National EIA Commission in Poland and a member of the State Environmental Protection Council. He has been involved in drafting environmental legislation in Poland and in other countries in the EU, in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, Central Asia and Latin America.

University of Aix-Marseille
Aix-en-Provence, France                                                                                                                        


Sandrine Maljean-Dubois is a recognized specialist in European and international environmental law. Researcher at the CNRS, she teaches international and European environmental law at the Faculty of Law at Aix-Marseille University. She has authored and edited several books and a large number of articles in this field, focusing in particular on biodiversity and biosecurity, international environmental law and WTO law and climate change negotiations. In 2008, the Hague Academy of International Law invited her to be the Director of Studies of the French-speaking section of the Center for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations on the topic of implementation of environmental international law. In 2013/14, she has been visiting professor at the University Laval (Quebec, Canada) and the University of Brasilia (Brazil). She has been the Executive Director of the Centre for International and European Research and Studies (CERIC, Aix-en-Provence) since 2009.

Univeritá di Siena
Piazza San Francesco, 7/8
53100 Siena, Italy                                                                                                                                  


Massimiliano Montini is associate professor of European Union law at the University of Siena (Italy). He teaches European Union law and sustainable development law. His main research areas cover international and European Union environmental law, climate change, investment law and sustainable development law, regulation for sustainability. He has widely published in these areas. He is founder and Director of the Environmental Legal Team (ELT), a research and consultancy team of lawyers based at the University of Siena. Moreover, he is founder and Co-Director of the R4S (Regulation for Sustainability), an interdisciplinary research group at the University of Siena focused on legal and economic regulation for the promotion of sustainability.

Faculdade de Direito – University of Brasilia
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Brasíila-DF, Brasil
CEP 70919-970                                                                                                                                     


Carina Costa de Oliveira is professor of international and environmental law at the Law Faculty of the University of Brasília, Brazil. Visiting scholar at the C-EENRG, University of Cambridge. PhD (Panthéon- Assas, France). Coordinator of the Research Group on Law, Natural Resources and Sustainability (Gern-UnB). Organizer of the book: ‘Marine Environment and Law: Exploration and Exploitation on the Coastal Zone, on the Continental Shelf and on the Deep-Seabed’ (Curitiba, Juruá, 2015).; Author of ‘La réparation des dommages environnementaux en droit international: contribution à l'étude de la complémentarité entre le droit international public et le droit international privé’ (Saarbrücken: Éditions Universitaires Eu-ropéennes, 2012). Research areas: public and private international law, environmental law, marine resources preservation and conservation. Member of the research projects on ’The Function of Law in the Sustainable Management of the Minerals Resources in the Sea‘ and ’The Brazilian Strategy on Sustainable Management of Living and Non-living Marine Resource’.

Research Centre of Environmental Law
Wuhan University,
Wuhan 430072, Hubei Province, China                                                                                                 


Tianbao Qin is a Changjiang (Cheung Kong) Scholar and Luojia Professor of Law, and serves as the Director of the Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL) and Associate Dean for the School of Law, Wuhan University as well as Deputy Director of the Research Center of the Supreme Court of China on environment-related cases. He is also editor-in-chief of the ‘Chinese Journal of Environmental Law’ and a member of the Compliance Committee of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS. Professor Qin received his LLB and LLM degrees from Wuhan University. He finished his doctoral dissertation at Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt and obtained his PhD in law from Wuhan University. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at Ghent University, Belgium. Professor Qin headed or participated in the drafting of several major environmental bills and is an advisor to the Chinese government for negotiations in biodiversity, ocean and climate change issues. He was also an environmental law expert for several projects of international institutions (GEF, UNDP, ADB) in China. Currently, his research interests in law and policy focus on biodiversity and biotechnology, water and ocean, climate change and energy as well as transboundary environmental issues. Professor Qin has authored several books and more than 100 articles in these fields. His recent publications include the ‘Research Handbook on Chinese Environmental Law’ (Elgar).

Recht, Economie, Bestuur en Organisatie,
Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid, Staatsrecht,
Bestuursrecht en Rechtstheorie
Utrecht Universiteit, Newtonlaan, Newtonlaan 201
3584 BH Utrecht, The Netherlands


Marleen van Rijswick is professor of European and Dutch water law and is Director of Utrecht University Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law. She researches the question how law can contribute to a sustainable and equitable use of water based on shared responsibilities. She works in a multidimensional and multidisciplinary way and is interested in comparative research. Her research focuses on water law within the broader field of environmental law, spatial planning law, nature conservation law and European, constitutional as well as administrative law. She particularly focuses on the protection against flooding, the improvement of water quality, the protection and a fair share of fresh water resources and on urban water management. She participates in the Water Governance Initiative of the OECD and contributed to the development of the OECD Principles on Water Governance. She was visiting professor of European environmental law both at the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) in Paris for several years, and in the Master of Energy, Environmental and Climate Law at the University of Malta. In 2015, she was visiting professor of international and European environmental law at the Research Institute of Environmental Law of Wuhan University, China, and in 2018 at the Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. She published in many international and national journals and books, and amongst others, she is main author (together with H.J.M. Havekes) of 'European and Dutch Water Law'. Marleen is also a substitute judge at the district court of Oost-Brabant.

Faculty of Law, Business Law, European Law and Tax Law
Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26
9712 EK Groningen , The Netherlands


Lorenzo Squintani, PhD, is senior assistant professor of European and economic law at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). He is founder and member of the managing board of the U4 Environmental Law Network. He is also a member of the managing boards of the European Environmental Law Forum, and of the ‘Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law’ (JEEPL). He is series editor of the EELF book series. His research and teaching interests include EU substantive law and EU environmental and climate law. Dr. Squintani has authored several publications in the areas of European environmental and climate law (an overview of which is available at Dr. Squintani regularly advises Dutch, EU, and/or international institutions on (EU) environmental issues.

Faculteit Rechten, centrum voor miliekunde,
Campus Hasselt,
Martelarenlaan 42
BE 3500 Hasselt, Belgium                                                                                                                      


Bernard Vanheusden is professor with the Law Faculty at the University of Hasselt and guest lecturer at the Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel. He lectures, in particular, on environmental policy, European environmental law, and international environmental and energy law. He wrote his dissertation on brownfields development. Bernard Vanheusden specialises in public law and, more specifically, in environmental and energy law. He provides advice to and represents authorities, enterprises and individual clients in legal proceedings. In January 2011, Bernard Vanheusden joined the law firm of Monard Law. Bernard is editor-in-chief of the journals ’Milieu- en Energierecht‘ (MER) and ’Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law‘ (JEEPL), both environmental publications, and is a member of the editorial board of the ’Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht en Onroerend goed‘ (TBO).

Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
10 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DZ, United Kingdom                                                                           


Jorge E. Viñuales holds the Harold Samuel Chair of Law and Environmental Policy at the University of Cambridge and is the founder and former Director of the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG). He is also the Chairman of the Compliance Committee of the UN-ECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health, the co-general editor of the ICSID Reports (CUP), the general-editor of the Cambridge Studies on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance (CUP), a member of the Panel of Arbitrators of the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre and the Director-General of the Latin American Society of International Law. Prior to joining Cambridge, he was the Pictet Chair of International Environmental Law at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, where he keeps a limited affiliation as adjunct professor of public international law. At Cambridge, he has served as head of research, director of the PhD programme, director of three MPhil programmes, and centre director.