Implementation-Office Amman
Upon request of the inter-ministerial and cross-sectoral committee NICE (National Implementation Committee for Effective Integrated Wastewater Management in Jordan) and the Jordanian Ministry of Water and Irrigation, the NICE-Office, supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is continuing its work.
Over the next 30 months, strategies will be developed and coordinated to implement integrated wastewater management concepts in Jordan.
The main objectives of the second phase are (i) the development of a
framework of certification of wastewater treatment plants and the
certification of O&M personnel for wastewater systems in Jordan. A
certification procedure for manufacturers and technologies will be
setting a standard that enables authorities, planners and other sector
stakeholders to find appropriate and reliable partners for local
wastewater projects. It is expected that the framework “Certification”
will create new market potential for, innovative small and medium-sized
enterprises in Jordan. (ii) To give recommendations on the use of
integrated wastewater management concepts and the implementation of the
reuse target for Jordan (SDG 6) and (iii) the development of a draft
directive on the use of IWRM concepts in rural and suburban settlements,
with refugee influx (host communities); (iv) furthermore, relevant
results of the SMART-Move Project will be integrated.
As in the first phase of the project, technological as well as socioeconomic and ecological aspects are included. The cooperation with the inter-ministerial NICE committee ensures that all relevant stakeholders are involved.
The NICE-Office is the management unit of NICE and facilitates and moderates the framework development process. It is located in the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.
Contact Person UFZ/Jordan
Dr. Marc Breulmann
Dr. Marc Breulmann
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Shmaisani area; P.O. Box 2412 | 11181 Amman
The Ministry of Water and Irrigation
NICE-Office – 6th Floor – Office No. 605 B
Telephone: +962 - 7 90162102
Contact Person UFZ/Germany
Prof. Dr. Roland Müller
Project Leader "Implementation-Office Amman"
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Department Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (UBZ)
Phone: +49 (0)341 235 1275
Further Information
Project Title: "Implementation-Office Amman"
Project Period: 01.06.2017 – 30.09.2021
Project Partner
- Ministry of Water and Irrigation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Water Authority of Jordan of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
- Bremen Overseas Research & Development Association e.V. (BORDA)
- Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
FKZ: 02WM1458
Project Management Agency
Projektträgerschaft Ressourcen und Nachhaltigkeit
Projektträger Karlsruhe (PTKA)
Wassertechnologie und Entsorgung (PTKA-WTE)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
- Phase I „Implementation Office Amman" (Press release: 22.10.2012).
- Phase II „Implementation Office Amman" (Press release: 24.07.2017).
- Project SMART-Move: Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies - Management of Highly Variable Water (SMART-Move).