National Framework:
The Certification of Wastewater Treatment Systems with Capacities up to 5.000 PE in Jordan
This framework describes the required certification for wastewater treatment systems with capacities up to 5.000 PE in Jordan. It is important because of the increased number of such wastewater treatment systems over the last decade in Jordan, and the predicted expansion of such approaches in the future with the adoption of the Decentralized Wastewater Management Policy.
A key concern that is frequently raised when dealing with wastewater treatment systems of capacities up to 5.000 PE in Jordan is the burden related to their operation and maintenance. The Ministries do not have the capacity, under the existing regulatory framework, to control those wastewater management systems using the ‘conventional’ implemented approach. Moreover, operation and maintenance models for such systems in Jordan do not exist thus far.
Consequently, this document describes the certification of the technology and also includes the organizational framework for permission, control and approval for decentralized and semi-centralized approaches. This certification framework will significantly reduce the burden on Jordanian authorities, while guaranteeing sustainability of the systems and the associated proper control measures. A minimum quality and performance standard can be guaranteed and wastewater treatment plants will thus be constructed, operated and maintained in a manner meeting national reuse requirements.
It can also be seen as an instrument assuring overall quality. It will enable authorities and all stakeholders to select reliable and most appropriate technologies for local wastewater management projects from the set of available technologies. Moreover, it is expected that enforcement of such certification framework will create new markets for innovative small and medium enterprises in Jordan.
The certification should become obligatory for all wastewater treatment systems with capacities up to 5.000 PE.
The main purpose of the framework is also to establish minimum requirements for materials, designs and construction, and performance testing and evaluation requirements for wastewater treatment systems with capacities up to 5.000 PE. It furthermore, specifies minimum requirements to be provided by manufacturers/ designers and minimum service-related obligations for manufacturers, installer and operators.
This framework will integrate the National Water Strategy 2016–2025. This integration will be achieved in two ways: first, this document will support groundwater protection efforts in a country with incredibly limited water resources and, second, it will support better and confident exploitation and management of existing water resources.The study can be downloaded from the follwoing links:
National Framework: The Certification of Wastewater Treatment Systems_high resolution (68.9 MB)
National Framework: The Certification of Wastewater Treatment Systems_low resolution (11.8 MB)