Thematic Field 6: Water governance
Management targets, obstacles, strategies and instruments
Speaker: Moritz Reese (UFZ), Jochen Schanze (TUD/IÖR)
The thematic field 6 „Water Governance“ is concerned with issues encompassing societal institutions and regulatory mechanisms for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). It considers various issues in an integrative approach, from water conservation and the utilisation of water resources to the prevention of risks from extreme events such as flooding and droughts, while also investigating success factors and constraints for an effective and sustainable management from a political, administrative and scientific perspective.
In terms of research, the following topics are priority:
- Setting targets and priorities – from the concept of sustainability to the development of concrete goals for IWRM
- Integrated planning measures and instruments
- Governance structures and management processes
Current projects:
- Project "Collection of good practices and lessons learned on water and adaptation to climate change in transboundary basins"
- DFG/G8 Belmont-Forum-Projekt: Jordan Water Project
- UFZ-Integrated Project „Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems"
- UFZ-Integrated Project „Water Scarcity"
- UFZ-Integrated Project „Urban Transformations"
- UBA-Projekt: "Umsetzung des Kostendeckungsprinzips im Wassersektor und zur Reform der Abwasserabgabe"
- Helmholtz-CAS-Network: Research Centre for Environmental Information Science (RCEIS)