Project Goals Phase II
The overall objective of the project is to develop integrated technological/infrastructural solution and management concepts for the design of climate-resilient urban neighbourhoods in existing buildings. The special focus is on dealing with heavy rainfall, drought, irrigation and cooling. In order to implement the project results, there is also a need for flexibility to support them on the approval and administrative side and to implement them quickly. There is also a need for action in the use of climate protection measures by improving energy efficiency, reducing energy demand and giving greater consideration to renewable energy sources, all with the aim of reducing GHG emissions (especially CO2) as much as possible.
In urban drainage, a paradigm shift towards decentralised rainwater management can be observed in many places. The aim is to restore a near-natural water balance, whereby measures for irrigation, retention, water storage and infiltration come into play. The joint project takes up this paradigm shift and focuses on implementing and stabilising BlueGreen infrastructures in both newly developed and existing neighbourhoods in Leipzig. The planned work builds on the "co-design process" established in the first project phase between research institutions, authorities, investors, municipal companies and specialist planners.
In the proposed project, a) multifunctional urban quarters will be developed and optimised as models in existing and new buildings (WP1&2), b) multifunctional water and energy infrastructures will be further developed and implemented in the first residential blocks (WP2&3), c) the effects of existing BlueGreen infrastructures will be evaluated (WP3), d) subsequent BlueGreen investment projects will be defined (WP4) and e) BlueGreen measures will be integrated, adapted and consolidated in existing planning processes (WP5).
Overarching promotion policy goals
In a current perspective, the project takes up indications of the coalition agreement of the Federal Government (Cabinet Scholz I), e.g. by working on measures for measurable goals of heat prevention, health care and improvement of water infrastructures. The "precautionary measures" announced in the coalition agreement through uniform standards for the assessment of heavy rainfall events in hazard and risk maps as well as municipal investment funding for climate-proof water infrastructures and unsealing projects also support the relevance of the project in terms of funding policy.The Federal Government's strategic research and innovation agenda "City of the Future" (BMBF 2015) defines priority fields of innovation for the sustainable transformation of urban settlement and spatial structures. In particular, the agenda calls for concrete measures to be implemented in pioneering projects for urban infrastructures. These include, for example
- The further development of multifunctional infrastructure systems and their integration into urban development concepts.
- The preservation and expansion of green and blue infrastructures
- The development of intelligent, multifunctional and networked infrastructures
- The dovetailing of technical infrastructures with urban green systems and water areas
- Cross-linking and coupling of infrastructures (water/energy)
In this overarching context, the "Leipziger BlauGrün" research project addresses the key funding policy objectives of the BMBF announcement of 21 February 2017. Solutions are being developed for the design of resource-efficient urban districts that are compatible with the existing water management infrastructure systems (sewer network, water bodies) and also enable further developments in the future.