Project Partners
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
is responsible for project coordination and communication (Work Package 6 = WP 6) and leads WP 2: Implementation in the refurbishment of existing buildings (Department UBZ) and WP 5: BlueGreen Governance - stabilisation of planning processes and improvement of the political-legal framework (Department UPR).
Kommunale Wasserwerke Leipzig GmbH
are involved in WP 4: Continuity through future investment projects in Leipzig.
is involved in WP 3: Evaluation of Existing Municipal Buildings and WP 4: Continuation through Future Investment Projects in Leipzig.
GFSL gruen fuer stadt + leben landschaftsarchitektur eG
is involved in WP 1: Implementation in the New Build Quarter and WP 2: Implementation in the Existing Renovation.
is leading WP 2 together with the UBZ department: Implementation in the refurbishment of existing buildings.
is leading WP 1 with the city of Leipzig: Implementation in the new development quarter.
is involved in WP 5: BlueGreen Governance - Stabilisation of planning processes and improvement of the political-legal framework.