Information for PhD students

  •     ZIH-Login: here

  •     Application for the telephone list of TUD: here

You may find an English translation in the internet, but you have to fill in the German form.

TUD: Faculty of Environmental Sciences

  • You can find all information concerning your doctoral degree here.

    Regulations for a doctoral degree at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences

  • Forms for the acceptance as doctoral candidate of the faculty:

    Application for acceptance as doctoral candidate

    Supervision Agreement

    Appendix of the supervision agreement: Working plan

            All documents are only available in German.
            Please ask your supervisior or colleagues for help if needed.

Enrollment as a student

Unfortunately, the webpage is only available in German. Please get in contact with Mrs. Ehrentreich for any questions concerning the enrollment.

Graduate academy (GA)

The supervision agreement and the working plan of the application as PhD candidate of the Faculty for Environmental Sciences can be reused for this registration process. A copy of the official letter of acceptance as PhD candidate can be submitted instead of their form.


You can find the HIGRADE portfolio here.
Please sign in as "IRTG (TU Dresden)".

Graduate academy

You can find the portfolio of the GA here. You have to be a member of the GA to join their courses.