Shrink Smart - The Governance of Shrinkage

Work package 5: Case Studies (II): Governance analysis

Project phase III will be devoted first of all to the analysis of governance structures and responses to the challenges of shrinkage worked out during project phase II. It starts with the second step of the case study analyses (Work package 5). In this WP, the partners deal with the case studies for an analysis of governance structures and modes due to specified research fields (modes of public-private cooperation; territorial levels of statehood; citizens’ participation). At the beginning, the leading partner sets out a common structure for the research reports comparable to the procedure in Work package 2. In a second step, all partners fill in this structure with appropriate information and data, both meeting the requirements of a comparable analysis as well as adding specific information about their respective case-study city (analogue to Work package 2). Within Work package 5, qualitative methods such as expert interviews and group discussions will become more important than during the first phase of the case study analyses. The result will be research reports for each case study that form part of the final research report (Work package 8).


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The latest work package reports and policy briefs are now available as pfd-files.

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Photo gallery

Have a look at the case study cities in the Photo gallery.

Shrink Smart Photo gallery

Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities