Chapter 7

Dose-response assessment

In antagonism testing, cytotoxicity interferes with the suppression of the response triggered by an agonist spiked into the testing medium. Can you give another example what can interfere in environmental samples with the antagonistic signal suppression? If yes, name which kind of compounds are capable of such an interference that cannot be considered neither as cytotoxicity nor antagonism (assuming that there is no problem with the read-out in the assay).

What is advantageous about using the linear regression fitting for the concentration-response curves to derive effect concentrations at low effect levels?

    You tested an industrial effluent after solid-phase extraction and obtained an EC10 in the AhR CALUX assay of REF 0.2 and in AREc32 of REF 1. This means in theory you would not have needed to enrich the water sample prior to testing. Is it still advisable to the extract samples prior to bioassay testing?